Megan Jo Soukup, daughter of Shirley and Troy Soukup, was born on August 25, 2003. She has two brothers, Cody and Trenton and one sister Ashley.
Read moreEvery February the Avon Cheerleaders go around selling “Crush Pops” for a dollar as a fundraiser for Valentine’s Day. The cheerleaders hand out little sheets of paper with cute Valentine sayings on which students can write their name and to whom they would like to give a pop.
Read more“Random Acts of Kindness” week was from February 14-20 and here in Avon there was a week full of fun. Everyday of the week there was a small act of kindness that was encouraged.
Read moreWagner Wrestlers qualifying for the State Wrestling Tournament were, back row from left: Nolan Dvorak, Riley Roberts, Bradyn Lhotak; front row: Jhett Breen and Karstyn Lhotak. Region Wrestling report continued on page 16. Congratulations Wrestlers and Good Luck at State! Photo by Barb Pechous
Read moreGreer Post #11 American Legion held its monthly meeting on February 18, 2021 at the Post Home. Commander Robert Kucera called the members to attention. Chaplain Donald Kotab gave the invocation, which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion was recited by all members.
Read moreGreer unit #11, American Legion Auxiliary met on Feb. 18 at the post home, with eight members present. The meeting was called to order by President Juanita Stone. Chaplain Margie Stone opened with prayer. The Pledge of Allegiance and American Legion Auxiliary Preamble were recited in unison. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The treasurers report was given and approved. No bills were presented. Correspondence was read from District President Ruth Williams pertaining to the zoom meetings. If we are interested in viewing them, the internet connections were given. Membership chairman Barb Kucera reported that we have 75 paid members. Goal is 78. Community service Chairman Margie Stone reported appropriate cards had been sent. Unfinished business, it was decided that our soup luncheon and bake sale would again be held. A motion was presented by Barb Kucera, and seconded by Linda Youngbluth. All agreed, motion carried. It will be held sometime in April. Details will be organized at our meeting in March. New Business, we discussed Girls State details, and McKenzie Roberts stated there were six girls interested in getting the information and applications. We will celebrate our post's birthday in March. Linda Youngbluth made a motion to have cake and ice cream at our meeting. Draping of the Charter was completed by Juanita Stone and Margie Stone in honor of deceased member Shirley Eitemiller, with a period of silence and prayer by all. The basket was won by Barb Kucera, and donated back. As there was no further business to come before the meeting, Chaplain Margie Stone read the prayer for peace and President Juanita Stone adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
Read moreDuring this time of year we find many students thinking seriously about what their future may hold and what will be needed to help them make their dream career a reality. Many find themselves wondering if they will be ready to deal successfully with what will be expected of them as many realize post-high education is very different than high school. Some students will be confident they are ready when they leave school to successfully compete for educational or career opportunities while others sometimes face the fear they will be unprepared for the next step in life.
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