Andes Central Indian Education Committee Meeting Wednesday, February 10, 2021 – Library - Door 1 – 5:00 p.m.
Read moreU.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will provide additional assistance through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP), expanding eligibility for some agricultural producers and commodities as well as updating payments to accurately compensate some producers who already applied for the program. Producers who are now eligible and those who need to modify existing applications due to these updates can contact USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) between Jan. 19 and Feb. 26. Some of these changes are being made to align with the recently enacted Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 while others are discretionary changes being made in response to ongoing evaluation of CFAP.
Read moreThe feeling of pressure and pain in the front of the face around the eyes is all too familiar for millions of Americans. Our sinuses include four pairs of air-filled cavities above and below the eyes and behind the nose. They are helpful for humidifying the air we breathe, resonating our voices, and lightening the weight of our heads. However, the sinuses can be prone to inflammation and infection.
Read moreU.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will provide additional assistance through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP), expanding eligibility for some agricultural producers and commodities as well as updating payments to accurately compensate some producers who already applied for the program. Producers who are now eligible and those who need to modify existing applications due to these updates can contact USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) between Jan. 19 and Feb. 26. Some of these changes are being made to align with the recently enacted Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 while others are discretionary changes being made in response to ongoing evaluation of CFAP.
Read moreMitchell- A total of 304 students at Mitchell Technical College have been placed on the Fall Semester 2020 President’s List, according to Mitchell Tech President Mark Wilson. Even more impressive, 113 had 4.0 GPAs! Students must earn a term GPA of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale and complete at least 12 hours of academic work during the semester.
Read moreThe LifeServe Blood Center blood drive sponsored by Wagner Community on Monday, January 25, 2021 had a fantastic turn-out! 45 donors registered and 47 life-saving units of blood were donated. Thank you to everyone that came out to help boost the LOCAL blood supply! The units donated at the blood drive can help save up 141 lives! We had several milestone donors, who are listed below and special thanks to Marlene Stone, Wagner Ladies Auxilary and Wagner Fire Department, for sponsoring and hosting the blood drive.
Read moreThe Wagner-Dante Knights of Columbus chapter was doing business virtual from April 2020 through June 2020. We decided to start regular meetings back up in July to cover elections and keep business going normally. The chapter voted in July to pay for gravel to help fix up the cemetery roads which will happen sometime in the near future. July meeting also included the election of officers. Before the August meeting the knights got together to build and install and new sign west of Wagner. The one side has our original sign and the other we installed a sign to build awareness of human trafficking for the coalition. A special thanks to all the knights that helped, Ken Cotton for allowing the sign to be on his land, Jeff Doom for providing tools and supplies for the sign posts, and Don Kocer for supplying the posts and prepping them to be installed. In September the knights had our 2nd annual K of C trap shoot at Cimpl Made Hunts lodge. Tickets were also sold for our annual gun raffle. It was a very nice event for friends and family to get together and have some fun. This last fall the knights and various other members from the community got together to help the Lhotak family harvest soybeans because of an accident a family member had right before harvest. In October the knights decided to not have our annual Turkey Bingo at St. Johns because of Covid. Instead members Dick Soukup and Clay Payer handed out the turkeys first come first server outside of the church. All the turkeys were picked up that evening and we hope to continue the event in 2021. In November the knights donated money to Wagner Good Sam to help them get supplies for Christmas. The chapter along with the Catholic Daughters donated money for two books to be handed out during the Christmas season. In December the knights went around for our annualtootsie roll drive. The support from the community business was very generous. A special thanks goes out to everyone that supported our drive and the money collected will be coming to our community to help children with intellectual disabilities. Thanks again the local business for your support. In January the chapter had normal meeting and awards night with just the members due to Covid.
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