Blizzards, tornadoes, and floods are a few of the natural hazards that strike this part of the country. Events like this have the potential of causing thousands of dollars annually in damage to property. To lessen the impact of these disasters in the future, Bon Homme County is beginning the process of updating its current Disaster Mitigation Plan.
Read moreAndes Central/Dakota Christian Varsity Cheerleaders performed at half-time with a dance performance during the matchup with the Bon Homme Cavaliers on Thursday, January 28th. Varsity cheerleaders are, from left: Emma Hofer, Aubrey Gray, Keaona Doren and Keeva Weddell. Cheer coach is Samantha Frederick. Great job ladies! Photo by Barb Pechous
Read moreThe library staff are busy cataloging and shelving new additions to the library. We have several new children’s books, especially new cardboard books for our very young readers. We have added to our “Black Princess” series and have added books for the K-2graders as well.
Read moreMitchell- A total of 304 students at Mitchell Technical College have been placed on the Fall Semester 2020 President’s List, according to Mitchell Tech President Mark Wilson. Even more impressive, 113 had 4.0 GPAs! Students must earn a term GPA of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale and complete at least 12 hours of academic work during the semester.
Read moreHave you ever stopped to think about the cost of going on to school after high school? Does the cost serve as a roadblock to considering training and education after high school? Before any big decisions or discouragement is even considered, it is important for students and families to gather facts and become informed before decisions are made or to much panic, worry or sleepless nights take over your life.
Read moreSDATAT is offering one $1000 and one $500 scholarship to two senior high school students who reside in South Dakota, are currently attending a South Dakota public, private, or parochial high school or a home school program and live in a small town or township that is a current member of SDATAT. Graduates of the class of 2021 are eligible to apply for this scholarship. The student must use the scholarship for a college, university, or vocational school which has a physical presence in South Dakota.
Read moreAndes Central School District #11-1 will hold their regular school board meeting February 8 at 5:30 p.m. in the Auxiliary Gym, Door 20 at 1001 High Street in Lake Andes.
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