Roger Schroeder, Council President presented Joshua Knodel with a certificate of achievement for successful completion of the Law Enforcement Academy training and becoming a certified police officer for the City of Wagner. Courtesy Photo
Read moreLegion Sweepstakes winner -Jeremy Ortman. Courtesy Photo
Read moreFollowing some unfortunate events in the spring of 2020 where remembrance items were removed and destroyed from the sites of local graves, local families gathered last summer at an open community meeting held at Wagner Lake to discuss the future of the ZCBJ Cemetery. Community members in attendance volunteered to serve on a newly formed board to manage the perpetual care and maintenance of the local cemetery. Research into the ZCBJ Cemetery was conducted and there no longer being a ZCBJ Lodge in Wagner, the closest lodge in Utica did not want to be responsible for a cemetery in Wagner. This gave the community board the opportunity to reorganize recently as the Wagner Cemetery Association and the former ZCBJ Cemetery winnow be known as the Wagner Cemetery. Work has been going on to transfer the care of the former ZCBJ Cemetery to the Wagner Cemetery Association. A volunteer board has been formed consisting of the following members and officers. Mike Medricky-President, Chad Peters-Vice President, Patty Frei-Secretary, Linda Youngbluth-Treasurer, Dave Robertson, Todd Johannsen and Melissa Zacharias. The Wagner Cemetery is the portion from the old original cemetery in the middle to the southern edge. St John the Baptist Catholic Church maintains their own cemetery as a separate entity on the northern end.
Read moreThe Wagner Library was awarded a $10,000 CARES Grant through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act economic stabilization plan. This plan was funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities and administered by the South Dakota Humanities Council.
Read moreJhett Breen had a great performance at the State Wrestling Tournament bringing home 2nd place in his weight division. He was unable to wrestle for 1st due to an injury. Great job Jhett! Photography by Denelle
Read moreA warm Wagner welcome to the Rev. James Marrs, Jr., the new Superintending Presbyter of the Yankton-Santee Missions of the Episcopal Diocese of South Dakota. Rev. Marrs is the priest for the congregations of Blessed Redeemer and Our Most Merciful Savior on the Santee Sioux Reservation, Nebraska; St. Philip the Deacon, Lake Andes and Woniya Wakan (Holy Spirit), Wagner on the Yankton Sioux Reservation, South Dakota.
Read moreAyana Bruguier, senior JAG member of Wagner Community School was challenged by JAG Specialist, Renee Van Der Werff, to put together a project. A project that would benefit many people. She chose to do a project for her peers because she felt that this year has been hard on many people, especially when it comes to mental health and not being motivated to get things done. Ayana felt that bringing in a motivational speaker would be a way to encourage her peers. Her goal for her project was to impact at least one person, if one person was to be impacted by the speaker, then she would feel she accomplished with what she set out to do. After hearing all the stories and comments from her peers about how the speaker impacted them, made her heart feel overjoyed.
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