The Wagner middle school boys basketball team was back in action Thursday as they traveled to Scotland to take on the Highlanders. As both teams were short players, only one full game was played with an extra period at the end.
Read moreHave you ever stopped to think about the cost of going on to school after high school? Does the cost serve as a roadblock to considering training and education after high school? Before any big decisions or discouragement is even considered, it is important for students and families to gather facts and become informed before decisions are made or to much panic, worry or sleepless nights take over your life.
Read moreSenior Basketball players and their parents are, from left: Don Kocmich, Madalyn Kocmich, Dawn Kocmich, Joe Sees, Alexa Sees and Janelle Sees. Photos by Barb Pechous
Read moreAll Avon Chamber of Commerce members or anyone else interested in promoting the businesses in the Avon area are invited to attend the first meeting of 2021 on February 8, 2021 at 7 p.m., in the City Office. Any ideas for promoting the Chamber would be appreciated. We will be social distancing as best as we can and also request that those attending would wear face masks.
Read moreTom and Jo Reiff of Parkston were visitors and dinner guests on Friday in the home of his mother, Ethel Reiff. Other visitors during the week were Ethel’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren: Amy, Emma and Lydia Yost of Parkston and Lance, Amanda, Avery and Alivia Beeson and Ethel’s brother, Ronald Mount.
Read moreSDATAT is offering one $1000 and one $500 scholarship to two senior high school students who reside in South Dakota, are currently attending a South Dakota public, private, or parochialhigh school or a home school program and live in a small town or township that is a current member of SDATAT. Graduates of the class of 2021 are eligible to apply for this scholarship. The student must use the scholarship for a college, university, or vocational school which has a physical presence in South Dakota.
Read moreCongratulations to Carmindy Ferwerda for being a chosen recipient of the Security State Bank Junior Herdsman project. As a chosen participant, Carmindy will receive five bred heifers to start her own cattle herd. Security State Bank began the Junior Herdsman project in 2013 and has since awarded over 40 recipients with more than 200 bred heifers. The projectis away to encourage young people to become involved in agriculture and provide an opportunity for them to create their own herd.
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