Hello District 19 Two weeks are in the books, and my focus continues to be relationship buildingamongstlegislators in addition to considering bills that have started to come through committees and houses.
Read moreThe AHS Drama Club has been meeting for early morning play practices since mid-October. They have been learning lines, arranging blocking, developing characters, adding in technology, and working to pull everything together to make one solid piece. The play they have been working on is a one act play entitled, “Selfie” by Bradley Hayward. A synopsis of the play follows: It's senior year and problems are mounting for a group of high school students as they prepare for the future. Facing bullies, divorcingparents,peerpressure, terminal sickness, and their own self-judgment, the characterssearchforwaysto stand out. As they document theiryear,oneclickatatime, they come to realize life is not about what other people see -- it's about the pictures they have of themselves. This play features selfies of the characters projected on the stage to go along with movement of the play. The group traveled to Mitchell, SD on January 17th to compete againstotherareaschools in the Region 4B Competition. Other schools attending were Kimball, Ethan, Mt. Vernon, and Armour.
Read moreIceandfrostaresobeautifulandtheirbeautyisworthanother look when you see it forming on these cold and foggy mornings. The random crystalline forms are breathtakingly beautiful to see and are only here for a brief moment in time so be sure to get out early before the sun melts them away.
Read moreMITCHELL, S.D. – Dakota Wesleyan University recently released its fall 2022 dean’s list which includes 311 university students.
Read moreAnewBibleStudycalled, 'Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools'; An Invitation to the Wonder and Mystery of Prayer, by Tyler Staton will be starting. The group meets on Mondays, 8:30 a.m. and 5:15 p.m., but are sensitive to people's schedules. Everyone who is interested in deepening their prayer lifeiswelcome. Questions, contact Marsha Hubner, 605-286-3205.
Read moreFeeding South Dakota food distribution will be held Friday, January 27 at the Scotland Community Church at 8:45 a.m.; the Tyndall Fire Hall at 10:30 a.m. and at the Avon Fire Hall at 12 noon.
Read moreThe Bargain Shoppe in Tyndall recently gave donations to the Avon, Scotland, Springfield, Tabor and Tyndall ambulances. The Tyndall ambulance received $5,000 and the Avon, Scotland, Springfield and Tabor ambulance each received $4,000.
Read moreFaith and Cody Vanden Hoek of Harrison are proud to announce the arrival of their new son, Henry Keith, who was born January 13, 2023 at 3:45 p.m. He weighed inat8lbs.7oz.andmeasured 21' long. He joins big brother Huntlee at home.
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