The Bon Homme Community Choir will be meeting soon to start preparing for the 2023 Easter Cantata. This is will the 84th year of gathering in the Lords name to tell the Easter Story through narration and song. The Cantata was first organized in 1939 by the Avon School Principal. We will be under the direction of the Avon Choir Director Autumn Schultz once again. The Community choir is made of many members from the surrounding towns, into Nebraska, as far as Sious Falls, and Jr High and High School students from area schools. We welcome any new members who would love to joinusinsongandlookingforwardtoseeingallthereturningmembers. ThisyearsCantatawillbe'Echoesof Easter' arranged by Cliff Duran, Cap Kirkland & Phil Nitz. The first practice is scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 29th at 2 pm. Practices will be located at the First Baptist Church in Avon.
Read more10 Years Ago - Jan. 16, 2013 Services were held for Mildred Ishmael of Springfield on January 14.
Read moreWhen I was a young physician, we talked with almost religious zeal about the “Golden Hour.” Early on, this principally focused on the idea that within the first hour after an injury, a patient needed to receive definitive treatment in order to maximize the chances of survival, and recovery. We usually interpreted this to mean that the patient needed to be in the hands of the trauma surgeon before this hour was up. We took ATLS classes so we could make sure that the patient in our emergency room got the best treatment we non-surgeons could provide, until the surgeon could take over.
Read moreBrevin DeJong of Platte, son of Jeremiah and Jennifer DeJong is officially a National Guardsman. Brevin graduated from Basic Training October 6th and from AIT's last Wednesday, January4th. Brevin graduated with the honor of Iron Soldier for scoring 570 out of 600 for ACFT (Army Combat Fitness Test) and the title of Sharp Shooter for shooting 34 out of 40. Congratulations Brevin and thank you for your service. Courtesy Photos.
Read moreDeVonne “Kelly” Lee Kjellsen age 77 of Brookings, passed away January 1, 2023 at his home under hospice care.
Read moreDakota Dreams College and Beyond is a program from the SDDepartmentof Education. The Dakota Dreams Online Tutoring Program provides free online tutoring to K–12 students in South Dakota in the subjects of English/ Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Parents can register students for virtual oneon- one tutoring sessions using a simple and secure online platform. Once registered, sessions can either be pre-scheduled or accessed on-demand. All sessions are taught by university students already accepted into the School of Education at Northern State University or Black Hills State University. If you need help registering yourself or if you are the parent/guardian of a child, you would like to register, the library can help you with registration. We have computers available for your child to use any time when the library is open.
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