Avon Science Fair will be held Tuesday, February
Read moreAvon American Legion Auxiliary will meet Tuesday, January 21st, at 7 p.m. at our NEW LOCATION: theAvonPublicLibrary,116 North Main Street. Hostess is Diane Romkema.
Read moreYou’ve heard me talk a lot over the years about helping foster families so that we can build stronger families across our state. In situations where parents aren’t able to take care of their kids, foster familiesstepuptofillthevoid. Unfortunately, foster kids have to face difficult, traumatic, and disruptive events that frequently hinder them from experiencing healthy development – and that includes their development in the classroom. Foster children too often get left behind academically.
Read moreOur country continues to face serious challenges. Inflation is straining family budgets, especially at the grocery store. The prices for electricity, gas, and home heating have increased. Record numbers of illegal immigrants have come across the southern border. Lax law enforcement has caused crime to spike in cities. And rogue nations like Russia,China,Iran,andNorth Koreahavebeenemboldenedto test America’s resolve. But if you listened to the president’s State of the Union address, you wouldn’t have heard much, if anything, about these crises.
Read moreHelloDistrict19residents. We are halfway through session, and things are moving along well. Counting this week, we have four weeks left of session to get our work done for the next year.
Read moreTheborderbetweenRepublican- ledSouthDakotaandDemocratic- controlled Minnesota has become a firing line in the national clash over abortion rights,withonlinedoctorvisits and mail-order prescriptions blurring the lines of state sovereignty and the reach of law enforcement.
Read moreHB 1169 is an act to authorize the performance and reporting of medical procedures to avert the death or physical impairment of a pregnant female and to declare an emergency. This bill was tabled in House Health and Human Services. Representative Rehfeldt, Senator Davis, and I worked with Right to Life on this bill to clarify what life and health of the mother meant. Doctors taking care of women during pregnancy need to understand how they can legally take care of pregnant women and their baby, when things take a turn for the worse. This was language that has been law for 30 years, before the trigger law. Right to life and other supporters backed out on us at the 11th hour and without time to educate legislators on this, we were forced to table the bill. This will be back next session because it is a pro-life bill.
Read moreIf I asked you to name a chronic disease, you would probably think of conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, or dementia. The odds are, one of the most common chronic diseases would never cross your mind.
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