Congratulations Jeff Wepking for being inducted into the SD Technology Educators Association Hall of Fame. Jeff is pictured above with Greg Gramberg, President of SDTEA.
Read moreMost people know that getting enough sleep is important for their health, but many do not realize that there are specific health benefits that come from getting a good night’s sleep. Getting enough sleep can improve your mood, help you maintain a healthy weight, and reduce your risk of chronic health problems like diabetes and heart disease. Sleep can even help boost your immune system and improve memory.
Read moreTransportation and infrastructure are used by everyone – people traveling to work or vacation, grains and parts transported by train, cargo by plane, or goods driven across the country by a semi-truck.
Read moreAgriculture is the bedrock of South Dakota. The ag industry is tough, and it’s oftenthankless,butittrulyis how we feed the world. As a lifelong farmer and rancher myself, I take great pride in my rural upbringing. Not a day goes by where I don’t appreciate the life lessons I learned from my parents on ourfarm.Atourhouseitwas always go, go, go. We were constantly making things better, faster, and more efficient. That’s the exact attitude of so many of our farmersandranchersacross South Dakota. I still can’t believe I’m lucky enough to go to work every day to serve them.
Read moreWeek four was a great, five-dayweekinPierre. Over theweekendIwasabletofeed the cattle and help some on thefarm,whichIandourdog Winston both appreciated as he road along in the feed truck after not getting to farm much the last month while I’ve been in Pierre. It has been a hard winter on our farms, especially those with livestock, so I hope the coming warmer weather helps lead us toward Spring and calving season with a little less snow. I appreciate theworkmyfatherandthose onourfarmaredoingduring session to allow me to serve in Pierre.
Read moreA bipartisan consensus has emerged in the South Dakota Legislature that the time is right for some form of tax relief to be passed as part of budget negotiations in Pierre.
Read moreThis week, week 4, was the longest week of the SD legislature – 5 days. Many bills were heard and debated this week and I feel good about the forward progress of the Legislature this last week. Here are some highlights.
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