The Wagner Community Memorial Hospital-Avera sponsored a 12th annual 8th Grade Career Fair on Thursday, January 19, 2023 at the Wagner National Guard Armory. Partnering with the South Dakota Department of Health, the event also included “Camp Med Lanes”, which featured several different healthcare career choices. The event was coordinated by hospital employee, Connie Kaufman, BSN.
Read moreIt was a whirlwind week in the SD legislature. I am prime sponsoring 16 bills, 5 of those bills will start in the house of representatives. Here is an explanation of some.
Read moreThe Wagner Community Memorial Hospital-Avera sponsored a 12th annual 8th Grade Career Fair on Thursday, January 19, 2023 at the Wagner National Guard Armory. Partnering with the South Dakota Department of Health, the event also included “Camp Med Lanes”, which featured several different healthcare career choices. The event was coordinated by hospital employee, Connie Kaufman, BSN.
Read moreTo: Patrons of White Swan Township From: White Swan Township Board of Supervisors Date: January 23, 2023 Please be advised that White Swan Township Board of Supervisors has been informed that some individuals are creating problems by removing snow from private property and pushing and/or depositing snow in the ROW (Right of Way). The ROW includes the road bed, ditches, approaches, etc.
Read morePastor/Founder of the Grace Baptist Church, Lake Andes since 1988
Read moreReminder the library is still at the location on Main Street, and the hours on the Library sign on the yard are still in effect. New books continue to be received at the library and are available for check out. I will list some of them here and if you are interested stop and check them out.
Read moreThe House of Representatives passed the 1st tax cut of 2023. HB 1011 revised the employer contribution rates. The bill decreased the percentage of remittance saving our South Dakota businesses18milliondollars. As an alumna of South Dakota State University, it was a great pleasure to celebrate theNCAADivisionIFootball Champions.Theteamjoined us in the capitol to accept the commemoration. GO BIG, GO BLUE, GO JACKS!
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