Feeding South Dakota food distribution will be held Friday, Feb. 25 at the Scotland Community Church at 8:45 a.m.; the Tyndall Fire Hall at 10:30 a.m. and at the Avon Fire Hall at 12 noon. This will continue to be a “drive-thru” distribution until further notice.
Read moreThe Annual Firemans Banquet was held on Saturday, January 29th at the Avon Fire Hall.
Read moreOn March 2nd the Women's Missionary Fellowship of the Danzig Baptist Church presented a check in the amount of $7,200 to Laurie Jurrens, Manager of the Meadowview Manor for the bathroom update project.
Read morePresident Bryan Slaba welcomed the Wagner Rotarians to their weekly meeting with a loud ringing of the bell. Rotarian Laurie Kidd began a prayer by asking for a moment of silence for the country of Ukraine. Laurie asked for March birthdays which turned out to be Jamie Soukup and Craig Krsnak. The club sang Happy Birthday to the two members, and this was followed by a gusty singing of “Sing Out a Song to Rotary” and “Let There Be Peace on Earth.”
Read moreThe State KC free throw shoot was held this last weekend in Chamberlain. Wagner had three contestants. Results are, from left: Braxton Nedved placed 1st place in the 13 year old girls division making 21-25, Ashlyn Koupal placed 4th in the 14 year old girls, and Cruise Koupal placed 6th in the 12 year old boys. Congratulations.
Read moreWagner Community School is seeking nominations for the Wagner Community School Teacher of the Year Award. Those seeking to nominate an educator for the award are asked to complete the nomination form that can be found in the Wagner Announcer on March 7 or March 14, 2022 and send it to Wagner Community School, ATTN: Mr. Matt Yost, Superintendent, 101 Walnut Avenue SW, Wagner, SD 57380. Nomination forms may also be picked up in any of the Principal’s offices or the business office. The deadline is by noon on Friday, April 1, 2022. No forms will be taken after that.
Read moreHaleigh Nicole Tjeerdsma, daughter of Hillary and Travis Tjeerdsma and Amber Babutzke, was born on June 6, 2004. Tjeerdsma has five younger brothers, Tyler, Thayne, and Tucker Tjeerdsma; and Sean and Nick Schryvers. She also has a younger sister Hudsyn. In her spare time, she likes to craft and play Stardew Valley with her brothers.
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