BHYW Placed 2nd overall in terms of total match points, with 739 points, falling behind only to West Central with 755 points. They were also at the top of the list for most pins in least amount of time. Below are some Avon stats from the State Tournament.
Read moreACCIDENTS 03-23-22 – 2 vehicle accident
Read moreThe Great Gatsby, an American classic novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, was recently read by the junior English class. After weeks spent reading the book, answering the questions, and taking the test, the class watched the 2013 movie version starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Jay Gatsby. Jessica Streit said, “The book was dry, but I didn't really like the movie either because of who played the main characters.”
Read moreA huge congratulations goes out to all those on the Bon Homme Youth Wrestling team that qualified for the State Tournament in Sioux Falls on March 25th - 27th and to those that didn't qualify on a great season. Among the 46 qualifiers of this group, 11 of them are from Avon. Those of which include: Tyler Tjeerdsma, Alshamon Gunter, Weston Bierema, Thayne Tjeerdsma, Raegan Brandt, Sydney Johnson, Tucker Tjeerdsma, Colt Wolf, Remington VanDuysen and Cowan Wolf. The coaches from this thriving program had these great comments to say in regards to this amazing season as well as last years.
Read more“[Jesus] said, ‘A certain man had two sons. The younger of them said to his father, “Father, give me my share of your property.” So he divided his livelihood between them. Not many days after, the younger son gathered all of this together and traveled into a far country. There he wasted his property with riotous living’” (Luke 11:11-13 World English Bible).
Read moreThe Lake Andes Volunteer Fire Department received a $5,000 grant recently from South Dakota Salutes; this gift was enhanced by gifts from the City of Pickstown, Andes State Bank, Nancy Gall, Ron and Stephanie Koupal, Juffer Inc., and Jeff Scherschligt, increasing the total grant to $9,900.
Read moreA dear old friend, Frank Kurtenbach, and Tom Hoffman, both of Brookings, along with myself, traveled down to Tulsa, OK to follow the SDSU Jack Rabbit wrestling squad in the Big XII Conference Wrestling Tournament on March 5th and 6th. Our SDSU grapplers are developing into a Division One powerhouse. Missouri, Oklahoma, Northern Iowa, Oklahoma State, and Iowa State finished ahead of us, but we finished 6th ahead of North Dakota State, Wyoming, West Virginia, the Air Force Academy, Utah, and Northern Colorado. What does this have to do with geese, pheasants, walleyes, or whitetail deer? Read on.
Read moreThe following qualified for the State AAU tournament held in Sioux Falls March 25-27: Lacen Dion, Frank Krcil, Jaxton Hill, Hunter Wiechmann, Mason Turner, Elijah Sully, and Colin Brown Bear, Thomas Krcil, John Krcil, Lane Koupal, Kolt Koupal, Grayson Knebel. Jacob Fousek pictured to the left.
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