Makayla Virginia Kopp was born on October 29, 2003 to Brad and Carla Kopp. She is the youngest of four with three older brothers, Troy, John and Tyler.
Read moreMrs. Storley’s sophomore English class has been busy writing children’s books. Students partner to write and illustrate the book on their own. After writing, illustrating, and putting the book together, the sophomores read their stories to three elementary classes, kindergarten, first and second grade. First grade teacher Benita Kuhlman said, “The stories your class shared were incredible! I think I enjoyed them more than my kids because I kept thinking, ‘Hey, I taught them!’ Their artwork was impressive, the expression (of some) was outstanding and I loved the digital versions, too!”
Read moreAs the basketball season comes to an end and junior planning time for the prom gets less and less, so comes the final steps for juniors who will be taking for ACT test for college admission and scholarships. For many juniors this might feel like the most important educational test of their life. Every student is different, with different goals and plans for their future. Many students have already registered for the test even though it is not given until April. This is done because seats are often limited at test sites. During this time some students are preparing to take the test, while others take things as they come. Many students find this time of the year to be very stressful as they are trying to juggle sports, their grades, maybe a job, the prom and the test, all at the same time. All of these issues are important so proper management of time, energy and stress is important.
Read moreIn my 50 years of penning this column, I’ve incurred the wrath of my readership on only three occasions. The most recent related to my suggesting that herbicides might be relate to our pheasant decline. I won’t apologize for that as I just don’t know. My second falling-out related to my suggesting that SD Game, Fish, & Parks might be right in their effort to ban rifles for turkey hunting. I was deservedly bombarded by senior hunters. My third miscue occurred many years ago when I opined that a woman had no place in the guiding business. I took a well-deserved beating on that one.
Read moreBack row, left to right:Beck Stulka, Mason Olson, Bradley Dangel, Cole Bergin, Abigail Svatos, Aubrey Gray and Kendra Kreeger. Front row, left to right: Luke Dangel, Marin Bultje, Callie Bergin, Lori Becora, Riata Bultje and Emery Bultje. Last week, Andes Central FFA students put together a week of events to celebrate FFA Week. Students could participate in wearing FFA colors, drive their tractor to school, go to a petting zoo, and Ag dress up day. There was also Ag trivia throughout the week. On Friday, all students had the opportunity to attend the petting zoo. Photos by Darci Bultje.
Read moreThe Bon Homme Community choir is making preparations for this years Easter Cantata.
Read moreHelp us Celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday on March 2nd-March 9th at the Library. Each time you read a Dr. Suess book while at the library we will put your name into a drawing for a $10 Game Stop card. Completing other Dr. Seuss worksheets while at the library can also help you build up points for more chances to win, all while improving your reading and writing skills!
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