The Bargain Shoppe in Tyndall is celebrating 15 years of volunteerism this month! The volunteers have logged 3,082 hours so far this year! The Shoppe continues it’s mission “To promote selfless giving in Bon Homme County” by giving away $46,500 the past two months. In October we gave $5,000 to the Bon Homme Food Pantry and $500 to the Tyndall Good Samaritan Guild to help them buy Christmas presents for the residents living there. In November we gave $8,000 to the Tyndall Fire Department and $7,000 each to the Avon, Scotland, Springfield and Tabor Fire Departments. We also gave $2,000 to the Good Samaritan Society in Tyndall and Scotland and $1,000 to the Springfield Assisted Living. Our giving grand total since our meager beginning in that one little room on November 24, 2007 is $567,115.
Read moreA Celebration of Life for TonyEben,75,ofTyndallwas heldMonday,November14at the Danzig Baptist Church, rural Avon. Burial was in theDanzigBaptistCemetery with military honors. Peters Funeral Chapel in Avon was in charge of arrangements. In lieu of flowers, Memorials will be directed to the Gideons.
Read moreAvon American Legion Auxiliary Arthur Wissman Unit #150 will celebrate its Christmas Party on Tuesday, November 15th, at
Read moreFeeding South Dakota food distribution will be held TUESDAY, Nov. 29 at the Scotland Community Church at 8:45 a.m.; the Tyndall Fire Hall at 10:30 a.m. and at the Avon FireHallat12noon.ThedatechangeisduetoThanksgiving.
Read moreAlyson Roth, Taylor Mudder and Emily Mudder were named to the Academics All-State Team.
Read more10:50 a.m. November 8th, Wagner Fire Dept was called to respond to a fire call coming in as smoke exiting the roof at the Good Samaritan Center in Wagner. Wagner Fire Dept responded, and requested mutual aid from Dante, Ravinia, and Lake Andes Fire Departments.
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