Read moreThe Sweet Clover 4-H club met November 13th at the First Presbyterian church in Avon. President Maddy called the meeting to order. Flag Pledges were led by Haley. Roll call was taken by answering the question- What is your favorite sport? Ten members were present. Secretary's report was given by Rilyn. Old business was about writing thank you notes for awards given at Recognition event and the Rabbit/ Chicken fun show. New Business: Christmas party plans were made. Constitution and By-laws were approved. Per state regulations we needed to add another name to the checking account. Staci Wolf agreed to be an extra signature. An additional officer position of 'Reporter' was voted on. Whitley will be filling that position. Motion by Josie to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Greger. Next meeting will be December 4th at 5:00 p.m. We will be making tie blankets so bring a scissor! We will also be doing a $10 gift exchange.
Read moreThe SoDak Stamm Chapter of the Germans from Russia Heritage Society is inviting you all to join us on the First Sunday of Advent at the American Lutheran Church in Tripp. The program will begin at 2:30. We will have a program entitled: 'An Old Fashioned Christmas.' We will sing carols, hear a recitation or two, and there will be a special appearance by the 'Happy Memories Band.'
Read moreFeeding South Dakota food distribution will be held TUESDAY, Nov. 29 at the Scotland Community Church at 8:45 a.m.; the Tyndall Fire Hall at 10:30 a.m. and at the Avon Fire Hall at 12 noon. The date change is due to Thanksgiving.
Read moreThe General Election was held November 8th. Bon Homme County total precinct vote results were: United States Senator: 453 votes for Brian L. Bengs DEM, 91 votes for Tamara J. Lesnar - LIB, and 2,010 votes for John R. Thune - REP.
Read moreHello! My name is Lesley Rygaard the new SDSU Extension 4-HYouthProgramAdvisor forBonHommeandCharlesMix County! I am from Winner, SD where I grew up participating in 4-H for all 11 years. Some of my favorite memories in 4-H were showing horses and beef, making crafts and different foods,andpresentingpublicpresentations. From showcasing your art skills, or showing an animal in the ring, to building your leadership skills, I loved all the aspects of 4-H and the fact that there truly is something for everyone. In conjunction with my involvement in 4-H, I was also involved in FFA in high schoolwhichiswhereIgrewand deepened my passion for agriculture andagricultureliteracy.
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