On Tuesday afternoon Oct. 25, the Wagner Oral Interp squad traveled to Lennox to take part in the LHS Oriole Oral Interp Invite. All participants earned awards that equivalent to 1st - Superior +, 2nd - Superior, 3rd - Excellent +, and 4th - Excellent. Jackson Rolston gave his humor piece Thank You for Texting and received an Excellent + for his performance, what judges mentioned was 'intriguing' and full of 'good physical comedy.' Jackson also performed a duet with Presley Slaba, scoring another Excellent + in their 'interesting twist on a classic radio piece' of Abbott & Costello. Presley also brought home a Superior award for her storytelling piece Unbroken that is a 'true inspiration.'
Read moreAmerican Legion Greer Post #11 held its monthly meeting on October 20, 2022 with 28 members in attendance. Commander Rados thanked the cooks for the delicious meal. He also thanked Paul Kucera for all the efforts he puts in to assist the Legion and Legion Auxiliary for the work they do. He was given a round of applause. Also in attendance was his son, Jacob Kucera who also assists. Commander Rados then called the member to attention. Chaplain Don Kotab gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion was recited by all members. Commander Rados then called the meeting to order.
Read moreRoll of Excellence 5th Grade
Read moreRed Shirt Sunday at East Lake Andes Lutheran Church is Sunday, November 13 at 10:15 a.m.
Read moreA hug when I come home after a long day. A smile that melts my heart. A song and a dance that are spontaneous and carefree. Those are some of the blessings that come to mind when I think about my daughter.
Read moreMany kids came out to enjoy treats at Andes Central's Annual Halloween Trunk or Treat held Friday
Read moreOn Wednesday, October 26, children from the Awana Club at FirstBaptistChurchwentaroundtowndressedinfoodcostumes and collected things to be donated to the Bon Homme County Food Pantry in Tyndall. A substantial amount of items was donated. The students and staff from Awana appreciate you all for your generosity, and we appreciate those who participated in the recent Trick or Treat so Others Can Eat event.
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