Continuation of short reviews of selections from the Lake Andes Library Native American genre to commemorate Native American Heritage Month.
Read moreMrs.Knodelhasbeenteaching in Avon for 20 years, and she received Region 3 Teacher of the Year! Loretta has been nominated before in 2009, but did not go through the application process. It was very lengthy and had a lot of essay questions, with only had four days before the due date. She felt very excited when she was nominated, but yet was still reserved because she felt that there were other teachers that also deserved it - she feels that she could do better at her job somedays.Mrs.Knodel'sfavorite part about being a teacher is the connections she gets to make with the students, and because she works at a rural school where she can make the connections early, and keep themuntilaftertheygraduate.
Read moreKleyThomasHeumilleris asenioratAvonHighschool. He was born on September 22, 2004 to Amanda and Travis DeJong. Kley has two siblings, Kaylee and Reed DeJong. Kley enjoys Math because it has always come easyforhimsoitmakessense tohim.Hesaysthatoneofthe hardest things about being a senior is getting over all the lasts that you experience in high school. When Kley has free time he likes to hunt deer, coyotes, and raccoons. He also enjoys steer wrestling at rodeos. One of Kley’s favoritequotesis“Lifesagarden, dig it”-Joe Dirt. Some of Kley’s favorite memories are playing against Herreid, whenduringthesecondplay ofthegame,TerranandKley sacked the QB and stuffed #20. Kley also participated in creating the new tradition of “Pirate Jacks” – jumping jacks that spell out “Pirate.” The one thing Kley will al-
Read moreTaylor Nohea Naser was born in Mitchell, South Dakota on August 18, 2004. She lived in Miller, South Dakota for fourteen years. She then moved to Hot Springs, South Dakotaandlivedthereforfive years. Now she is finishing herlastyearhereinAvon.She liveswithherAuntAnnaand her little cousin May Lynn. Shehastwosisterswholivein HotSpringsnamedFaithand Charli.Herfavoritesubjectin schoolisPsychology,because she likes learning about how the human brain works, how we function, and how people develop. Taylor commented that her most challenging task this year is, “As a senior, I am still trying to make my last year fun and memorable, while still figuring out who I am and who I want to be in life.” In her spare time Taylor enjoysspendingtimeathome and having dance parties in the kitchen with her aunt. A hobby of Taylor’s is writing poetry. An inspirational quote that Taylor lives by is, “Go as far as you can see; when you get there you’ll be abletoseefurther”~Thomas Carlyle.
Read morePictured below, top right: Rabbit Showmanship winners are back row, from left: Senior Reserve Champion Brianna Gilchrist (Tripp County), Senior Grand Champion Adriana Hernandez (Washington County, Nebraska); front: Beginner Grand Champion Lydia Wonnenberg (Tripp County), Junior Grand Champion Elizabeth Wonnenberg (Tripp County), Beginner Reserve Champion Josie Arhart (Sanborn County). Not pictured, Beginner Reserve Champion Bode Sweeter (Lincoln County).
Read moreOn November 5, more than 130 fancy chickens and ducks, 50 rabbits and 45 youth came to the Bon Homme County 4H Centerforadayofshowingand learning.4Hmembersfromten counties in South Dakota and two in Nebraska competed in showmanship and exhibition classes, practiced breed identification and judging, and held a rabbit/poultry costume contest.
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