One of my favorite parts of the holiday season are all the Christmas songs that we pass down from generation to generation. Some are silly and fun. Others reflect the more serious reason for the season.
Read moreANOTHER SUCCESSFUL Bon Homme county Christmas box distribution is complete! This year, we packed and delivered boxes to 280 families in Bon Homme county. Thank you to Doug VanEmmerik of Doug’s Food Center and Sarah Papke and Terry Gregg of Cahoy’s General Store for getting the food ordered and delivered to us in a timely manner. Thank you also to Dick Jones for helping move the pallets of food to the Tyndall community center. A special thank you to the Danzig Baptist Church Ladies Mission Group and youth group for putting together the Christmas treat bags that we included in the boxes. We greatly appreciate your contribution to helping make the holidays better for those receiving the boxes! Thank you also to the school secretaries at Tyndall, Tabor, Springfield and the district office; Sara Hento in Avon and Peggy Schelske in Scotland for assisting with gathering the holiday assistance forms from the schools. I am so thankful to have a great group of volunteers to help with setting up, packing, sorting and distribution of the boxes--those who helped with set up, packing and sorting the boxes were: Alice Petrik, Dan and Lori Krier and Jim Pisano, Springfield; Jay Weidenbach, Rudy and Diana Jerke and James Streyle, Scotland; and the following from Tyndall: Gary and Connie Hawks, Susan Tjeerdsma, Julie Schenkel, Ron and Janet Wagner, Maverick Wagner, Zane Kremer, Katy and Brody Cihak. Boxes were delivered by volunteers from the communities in the county: Lori and Dan Krier, Jim Pisano, Doug Magee, Leonard Magee, Steve Mueller, Bernie Kastein, Carolyn Kastein, Doug Haug, Deb Haug, Merlin Tolsma, Cindy Tolsma and Lawrence Namminga in Springfield; Kevin Tjeerdsma, Avon fire chief and members of the Avon Fire Department; Rev. Andy Bueber, Sally Bueber, Peggy Schelske, Dennis Bietz, Verlyn Jerke and James Streyle in Scotland; Ken Carda, fire chief; Vicky Carda, Allison Carda, Greg and Laurie Rothschadl and Roger Dvoracek in Tabor and Jamie Muller, fire chief and members of the Tyndall Fire Department and EMS – Tim Hajek, Dustin Cuka, Brent, Amanda and Ellie Bult, Brett Rathgeber, Zach Heesch, Lee Hoerth, Mike Schmidt, Cole Humpal, Eric Tycz, Dick Jones, Joel Humpal, Francis Koster, Eric Elsberry, Kelly Young, Ron Wagner, Justin Wagner, Zane Kremer, Katy Cihak, Brody Cihak and Jacob Cihak in Tyndall. I’m overwhelmed by your dedication to serve others and I can’t thank you all enough for giving of your time to make sure the boxes got delivered to individuals and families in need. A huge thank you to Janet Wagner, Peggy Schelske and my mom, Shirley Sutera for always being just a phone call or text message away--I appreciate your words of wisdom and assistance more than you will ever know! Last, but certainly not least, thank you to all who have donated funds to the Bon Homme Food Pantry to help us make the holidays a little brighter for those in need in Bon Homme county.
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Read moreIn the last two years, South Dakotans have literally paid the price for the Biden administration’s agenda. Democrats’ recklessspendingcontributedto the highest inflation in 40 years. Recent tax increases on energy producers are likely to increase utility costs. And the Biden administration’s regulatory agenda may drive utility bills even higher and put our energy and food security in jeopardy in its rush toward a Green New Deal future.
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