American Legion Auxiliary Poppy Contest was held. The Poppy Poster winners from American Legion Auxiliary Arthur Wisman Unit 150 in Avon were:
Read moreThe total eclipse of the sun will be seen in a grayed light on April 8th beginning at 12:33 and lasting about 30 minutes. Educational opportunities will be available at the library beginning on Wednesday, April 3rd. Activities can be completed at the library or picked up and taken home to complete. Viewing glasses will be available beginning April 3rd until the 500 pairs the library received are gone.
Read morePresident Becky Brunsing brought the Wagner Rotary Club members to order on the last Wednesday of March 27th which signaled the end of the third quarter of our Rotary year. We were fortunate that the sidewalks and roads on Main Street were cleared for traffic after the big snowstorm that dumped on our community the past Monday.
Read moreGreer Unit #11, American Legion Auxiliary held their monthly meeting March 21, 2024 at the Post Home with 10 members present.
Read moreWagner Community Memorial Hospital - Avera Auxiliary held their monthly meeting March 27, with seven members present. President Pearl Weber called the meeting to order and members read the Auxiliary prayer in unison.
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