Reprinted with permission by Randy Dockendorf September 20, 2023 Edition of the Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan Dakota Bodden received praise in his role as a special education teacher, but he resigned from the Avon school districtbecauseofmonths-long controversyabouthiscoaching decisions.
Read moreAvon School Board held a special board meeting September 18th, where they tabled action on the resignation of Dakota Bodden, special education teacher, after two hour long executive sessions.
Read moreThe holiday season is fast approaching and the Bon Homme Food Pantry needs your help to continue to assist individuals/families in need with a Christmas meal. Prices for everything are increasing and in order to serve the number of families and individuals needingholidayassistance,the Bon Homme Food Pantry will beprovidingaChristmasmeal instead of the box of groceries as provided previously.
Read moreThe State 4-H Ambassador Program strives to develop the minds of young people by increasing and promoting leadership activities through 4-H. Through participation in the State 4-H Ambassador Program,teenswillfunctionas a positive role model for youth inSouthDakota,whileserving to support the 4-H program through public relations. State 4-HAmbassadorswillstrivefor continued improvement of the 4-H program by serving as an agent of change. Additionally, these individuals will promote inclusionandrespectfordiversity across4-HinSouthDakota.
Read moreLast week Terran Talsma was awarded SD Player of the Week by the South Dakota Army National Guards for his exceptional leadership, teamwoork, inspiration and discipline on and off the field. The certificate added, Terran showed great leadership and led by example in the September 15th home gameagainstHitchcock-tulare,motivatingothersto do the same. Avon Pirates Football, Charlie Battery and the South Dakota Army National Guard are all proud to present this award to Terran Talsma. The PirateshostedtheStateChamps,Hitchcock-Tulare, and earned the big win 32 - 28. Congratulations Pirates and Congratulations Terran.
Read moreThe 2023 Homecoming Coronation was on September 11, 2023 in the main gym of Avon High School. The Coronation waskickedoffbyaperformancebytheAvonHighSchoolchoir. They performed the song “Everybody Talks,” and had a main attractionofdancingcouples.Then,itwastimetointroducethe candidates.Thecandidateswerecoupledupalphabetically.The candidates this year were Paxton Bierema and Jasmin Frank, MeganGretschmannandTerranTalsma,MaddyHuitemaand LandonThury,CourtneySeesandTylerTjeerdsma,andfinally Grace Vanderlei and Noah Watchorn. The ring bearers this year were Sawyer Bierema and Avery Beeson. As a result of the2023HomecomingCoronation,CourtneySeeswascrowned queen, and Noah Watchorn was crowned king. The Coronation was followed by the tradition of the burning of the A.
Read moreWith homecoming, comes sports. Specifically, the homecoming football game. The Avon Pirates won against Hitchcock-Tulare 32-28. As for volleyball,theywentupagainst two teams homecoming week. On the 12th, they had a home game against Wagner and unfortunately lost 11:2. However, on the 14th at another home game, the Avon Lady Pirates won against Scotland 3:7. Finally, as for Cross Country, there were two men’s 5,000 meter runners, Tyler Tjeerdsma placing 4th and John Fathke placing 22nd. For the men’s 4,000 meter runners, Rance Kuhlman and Jack Fathke, Rance placed 1st and Jack placed3rd.Lastly,forthemen’s 3,000meterrunnerswereParker Podzimekwiththeplacingof 11th,PalmerPodzimekplacing 19th and Zane Rush.
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