The Charles-Mix County 4-H Club Junior Leader’s Reporters for the 2024-2025 season are Marin Bultje and Callie Bergin. Marin is the daughter of Brice and Darci Bultje; Callie is the daughter of Jayme and Jr. Bergin. Marin resides in Lake Andes, while Callie lives in Wagner, but attends Andes Central. Marin has been a part of the Charles-Mix County 4-H Club for the past eight years as she started when she was eight years old. Callie has been a part of 4-H for the past five years beginning when she was 10 years of age.
Read moreThe Charles Mix Foster Closet was first organized in November of 2024 by Jessica Nielsen. Jessica ,a former employee by the Department of Social Services (DSS), knew that there was a need in Charles-Mix County and that many foster families/children would greatly benefit from this type of organization. She was inspired to start a foster closet in Charles-Mix County after hearing about the Restore Foster Closet based out of Yankton. Jessica saw how much it made a difference to the foster children and families in the Yankton area.
Read moreThe Sweet Clover 4-H club met on February 16, at 5 p.m. TheFerwerdafamilyhosted.
Read moreDevin Duane Rucktaeschel was born on January 22nd, 2007, to Josh Rucktaeschel and Kim Johnson. He has two siblings, Riley and Taylor. In his free time, Devin enjoys hunting, playing video games, and working.Hisfavoritesubjectin school is shop because he loves doing hands-on projects, and his favorite activity is football. A quote that Devin lives by is, “Dream as if you’ll live forever; live as if you’ll die today,” by Danny Duncan.
Read moreVincent is the son of Jayette and Drew Bruguier. During his high school years at Wagner Community School, Vincent has been involved in several extracurricular activities including band, chorus, and JAG.
Read moreThisweek'sathleteof theweekisKaydenceMetzger.Kaydence is a freshman at AHS, and she plays for the Lady Pirates basketball team. Kaydence is the daughter of Bridgette Muller and Sam Metzger, and she has two siblings, Keagan and Kyzleigh.
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