There’s just something about the turn of the calendar that causes us all to pause and reflect a bit about the year that was – it’s victories andfailures–anddream abouttheonethatistocome. Each January, I spend time thinking about the big moments inmypersonallife(in 2023,theseincludedacareer change, and the growth of our family with the addition ofason-in-lawandtwomore grandchildren), as well as in my financial and professional life. I think this is a good practice for farmers and ranchers, too.
Read moreLet’stalkmyassignedcommittees. InCommerceandEnergy Committee we see a wide variety of topics ranging from professional licensing, business requirements,insurance, tobacco, alcohol, gambling to my personal favorite the many forms of energy…. It’s safe to say we all appreciated heat this time of year. Every topic we see is different. This week we discussed and debated autonomous vehicles. I supported HB 1095 an act to establish provisions for the operation of automated motor vehicles. Currently, there are norestrictionsinplaceforautonomous vehicles in South Dakota and whether you or I support them or not they need regulation. HB 1095 sets a foundation for the operation of autonomous vehicles.
Read moreCongratulations to Mr. Paul Kuhlman who was hired by the Avon School Board Wednesday, January 24th, to be the next CEO/ superintendent for the Avon School District, effective July 1, 2024! Mr. Kuhlman brings 36 years of math and science teaching experience to his new leadership role at Avon Schools, with 32 of his teaching years at Avon.
Read moreMissEidsnesssixthgrade Social Studies class is wrapping up their Ancient India unit with a Monsoon Stupa project. For this, they had to build a stupa and find a way to protect it against the wet monsoon season rainfall.
Read moreThe inaugural podcast of Recovery Warriors Talk was held January 19 at the Lighthouse Church in Wagner and was hosted by Leon Flying Hawk and Rosezena (Zena) Zephier. The first podcast gave an introduction to what to expect on the weekly talk and just a taste of the background of each host. The podcast covers all addictions, but methamphetamine is one of the addictions that both of the hosts have battled with. They both feel extremely lucky and proud to be a part of the 2%; the 2% being the percentage of people that actually recover from methamphetamine addiction.
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