The Avon Music Department held their sixth through twelfth grade Spring Concert on Tuesday, March 16th. Photos by Jenna Hemenway
Read moreRecently I saw a patient who had experienced two consecutive days of pain in his right upper abdomen. I questioned him, looking for clues of gallstones, liver mass, or maybe an ulcer in the small bowel, but his answers did not fit my expectations. The pain was located under his right ribs and radiated into his back, just as I would expect of gallbladder disease; but it was not triggered by eating, and the way the patient described the pain did not fit the profile of an abdominal disorder. Then, a light bulb went off; I needed to look at his skin.
Read moreSenior Allyson Janae Hamilton, daughter of Reno (Jade) Hamilton and Jane (Brad) Elle and sister to Taylor, Ella, and Rykr Hamilton and Bradyn and Skylar Elle, was born on January 24, 2003.
Read moreSara is currently in her fifth year as business manager of the Avon School District. Sara was nominated by her superintendent, Tom Culver, and highlights of his nomination of Sara are below:
Read moreWork continues on the new Charles Mix Electric building on the south end of Lake Andes. Kevin Feldhaus of Howard is the construction manager on the project. He works for the general contractor, WS Construction of Sioux Falls and drives to Lake Andes every day to be on-site throughout the project and will see it through completion.
Read moreAs promised last week, this week’s article has descriptions of two more human genetics film kit DVDs that are now available for check out from the library.
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