National Library Week (April 4-10, 2021) is being celebrated with the theme “Welcome to Your Library.” The theme promotes the idea that everyone is welcome to use the services that are provided by their state and local libraries.
Read moreFive generations recently gathered and shared their photo. Pictured are: Francis Cuka (great great grandpa), Eileen (Cuka) Sorsen (great grandma), Aaron Olson (grandpa), Bailey Olson (father)and daughter Everleigh Olson. Courtesy Photo
Read moreGreer Post #11 American Legion held its monthly meeting on March 18 at the Post Home. Commander Robert Kucera called the members to attention. Acting Chaplain Mark Wiechmann gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion was recited by all members.
Read moreThe American Legion Auxiliary will hold a Soup and Sandwich Luncheon, Bake Sale and Raffle on Friday, April 9 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Wagner American Legion Hall.
Read moreThe Wagner Hospital Auxiliary held their monthly meeting on March 24 at 1:30 p.m. with six members present.
Read moreMahli Abdouch, a freshman at O’Gorman High School in Sioux Falls, was selected to the All Tournament Team for the State “AA” Basketball Tournament held at the Sanford Pentagon on March 11-13. She became the first freshman now starter to earn the honor in tournament history. Here are Mahli’s stats from the tournament:
Read moreSobriety checkpoints are planned for 19 South Dakota counties during the month of April.
Read moreWagner Rotary met on Wednesday, March 24th with the ringing of the bell and the Pledge of Allegiance.
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