Lake Andes City is building a new city park south of the school football field to replace the park at the lake that was destroyed by the flooding in 2019. Photo by Barb Pechous.
Read moreThe Wagner Lakeside Motel, on South Dakota’s Highway 46, came under new ownership on February 11th, 2021. Mohan Chaudhari and Rajesh Patel purchased the motel and have been busy with remodeling efforts and general updating in order to make their new business venture a destination site for travelers coming to Charles Mix County.
Read moreBob Hanson knew all about Yankton’s history. Fortunately, he was also a mason, so whenever he came to inspect the nearly 150-year-old bricks of the Pennington House — the home of Dakota Territory Gov. John Pennington and today the publishing headquarters for South Dakota Magazine — he always had a story.
Read moreCongratulations to ABIGAIL SVATOS as she took 7 place at the State B Golf Tournament in Brookings June 7th-8th! She scored an 86 on Monday and an 88 on Tuesday. Coaches: Tom Cooney and Jeremy Boer
Read moreSpecial thanks to Nyla Raysby for the photos of the construction on Main Street.
Read moreThe 1st Annual 605 Unity Jam was held at Wagner Lake Sunday, June 13 from 11:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. The multi-cultural celebration was hosted by East River Horizons (
Read moreIsabella Brouwer finishes her lap as Josie Brouwer sets up for her dive in their relay. They are part of the Armour Swimteam. Photo by Barb Pechous
Read moreBack row from left to right; Matthew Petrik, Mike Petrik, Al Kocmich, Brady Petrik, Dustin Brandt and David Lane. Front row from left to right; Nick Jager, Jarod Myer, Robin Myer, Brian Janssen, Kevin Tjeerdsma and Casey Sassaman. Several volunteer firefighters from Avon spent the weekend at South Dakota State Fire School in Fort Pierre. Thursday night they took part in Water Fights. Friday they attended several classes to sharpen their knowledge. Friday evening they competed in Evolutions while their loved ones cheered them on. Saturday, they attended more classes and enjoyed time with their wives and families. Photo by Jenna Hemenway. More photos on page 7.
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