PIERRE — Tom Culver, the superintendent of the Avon School District will be the next chairman of the board of directors of the South Dakota High School Activities Association. He was elected at the board’s meeting on Thursday, June 10.
Read moreThis Memorial Day, family and friends of area deceased veterans continued the tradition of gathering together to salute our fallen heroes at the annual Memorial Day program, which was held at the National Guard Armory on Monday, May 31, 2021.
Read moreThe Charles Mix County office for USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is currently open to phone and virtual appointments only but can still work with producers on timely filing crop acreage reports. FSA staff can provide assistance over the phone, by email and through virtual meetings via Microsoft Teams.
Read moreFriday, June 4th, Lake Andes held their annual Fish Day's Queen and Lil' Miss Fishy Contest. The 2021 Fish days queen was Kea'Ona Doren, First runner up was Emma Hofer-Stotz and Lil' Miss Fishy went to Addisyn Deurmier. More photos from the contest on page 5. Photos by Darci Bultje
Read moreThis past Friday and Saturday, May 28 and 29, the Class A State Track and Field meet was held in Spearfish. Wagner brought 18 athletes to compete in 16 individual events and relays. Nestled into the Black Hills, Lyle Hare Stadium on the campus of Black Hills State University is one of the best venues in the state, in my opinion. The weather cooperated as well with mild temps and minimal wind. The stage was then set for our athletes to attempt to set some personal bests with the hopes of getting on the medal stand and scoring some points for the Red Raiders.
Read moreThe following students were among those who have been named to Southeast Technical College’s President’s List for the Spring 2021 semester. To attain this recognition, students must be full-time, degree-seeking students with a term GPA of 3.5 or higher. Local students named to the President's List were:
Read morePresident Bryan Slaba rang the bell to bring the Rotarians at the Wagner Rotary Club to order for their last meeting in the month of May. He asked Rotarian Bill Frei to introduce the only guest that day which was Bill’s nephew Radack Kotab.
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