Wagner Raiders Cheer Team competed at State Cheer in Brandon on Friday, October 23rd and brought home 13th place. Photos by Barb Pechous.
Read moreWhen we think of Henry VIII most of us envision an oversized man with multiple wives, a bitter personality, and a propensity for beheading his enemies. A lesser-known fact is that he suffered with chronic leg sores the last twenty years of his life. Living in a time before antibiotics, anesthesia, and proper wound care, this king endured excruciating ulcers with no cure available. Would history have been different if his sores could have been treated with today’s advanced wound care?
Read moreThe Avon Lady Pirates held 'Dig Pink Night' on Monday, October 18th where the Post Prom Committee and the Avon/Dante Pink Ladies chose to donate to the Lippincott family this year. Below is what the committee announced during this recognition.
Read moreMany homes are all ready for Halloween Trick-or-Treaters around Lake Andes. Submitted Photos.
Read moreJessica Kocer, parents Karla and Fran and Cassidy Wilson, parents Cody and Jennifer. Photo by Barb Pechous
Read morePresident Bryan Slaba brought the Wagner Rotary membership to order on October 13th. There was a full house, with many guests: Jeff Nohr, Program Speaker, Chris Nohr, Jeff’s wife, Paulette (Stogsdill) Ford, Jolene Link, and Ron Koupal.
Read moreEvery year South Dakota's pheasant hunt opener weekend brings thousands of hunting enthusiasts from all across the country.
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