“And they came to Jericho. And as [Jesus] was leaving Jericho with his disciples and a great crowd, Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, the son of Timaeus, was sitting by the roadside. And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, ‘Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!’” (Mark 10:46-47 ESV).
Read morePhotos by Nikki Fathke Jonna Kaul, Karen Berndt and Janet Wormsbecker help serve in the kitchen.
Read moreOn October 15, preschool through fourth grade went to the Podzimek Pumpkin Patch outside of Avon. During their time at the pumpkin patch, the students were able to play games such as put-put, basketball, and tic-tac-toe. They were also able to play in a sandpit and on a playset made from tires. Students could choose either a white or an orange pumpkin. The first grade class said that some of them carved their pumpkins, others painted theirs, and some of them used them as decoration on their kitchen tables or outside of their houses.
Read moreAvon Oral Interp team will be attending the District Oral Interp meet in Mitchell on November 2. From there, those who advance from Districts will compete at the Regional competition on November 16. In order to move onto State Oral Interp in Huron on December 3-4, students will need to place in the top two or three, depending on how many are in their particular category.
Read moreFor the last several years, Live Ticket has made school events available to the public. Most recently that availability became more widely used during many bouts of COVID restrictions.
Read moreThursday, October 14, the high school choir was given permission by John Voigt to sing in his grain bin. When asked what made her decide to have her choir sing in the grain bin, Director Autumn Schultz said, “John approached me about it and said it would be empty for a while if I wanted to jump on the opportunity. He was kind enough to wait to start filling it...that same day.”
Read moreAvon High School acquired two drones this past summer with COVID money designated towards the purchase of technology. So far, Mr. Brad Poppe and his students have used them to take pictures of football games and the town of Avon. “Drones are becoming more useful in our society, and it's so cool to see the students at AHS use them,” said Poppe.
Read moreOn October 19, the Zoomobile drove into town, and the Pre K through 6th grade classes welcomed Alison, an animal handler from Great Plains Zoo out of Sioux Falls. On the Zoomobile, Alison brought a chinchilla, a turtle, a bird, and a skink. Kindergartner Josie Schloss said, “My favorite part was the chinchilla because he was cool.”
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