PIERRE, S.D. – Governor Kristi Noem, in coordination with the South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs, has proclaimed May as “National Military Appreciation Month,” a time for all to honor, remember, recognize, and appreciate those who have served in the past and those now serving, as well as their families.
Read moreSouth Dakota Week of Work was April 11-14. Andes Central sophomore and junior students had the opportunity to hear from some local businesses about what they do and why, so students receive some inspiration for their post-high school plans. A huge thank you to all speakers for taking the time to visit with Andes Central students.
Read moreThe U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) encourages producers and landowners to enroll in the Grassland Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) started on April 4, 2022 and goes through May 13, 2022. Grassland CRP provides a unique opportunity for farmers, ranchers, and agricultural landowners to keep land in agricultural production and supplement their income while improving their soils and permanent grass cover. The program had its highest enrollment in history 2021 and is part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s broader effort to equip producers with the tools they need to help address climate change and invest in the long-term health of our natural resources.
Read moreFrom Babe Ruth to John Wayne, Americans have seen chewing tobacco in popular culture for over a century. Spitting chew has been a trademark of cowboys and professional athletes alike and chewing tobacco use continues at high rates in the United States. In 2018 a survey showed 2.4 percent of American adults used smokeless tobacco, with snuff or snus pouch use on the rise and chewing tobacco on the decline.
Read moreAvon School District is conducting a child search for pre-school children ages 5 and under. Please contact the school if you have a preschool age child who lives in the Avon School District and currently does not attend preschool or kindergarten. If you know of someone who recently moved into the district with preschool age children, please contact the school. Please call 286-3291 x114 or email Include child’s first, middle, and last name, date of birth, mother and father’s name, address, and phone number.
Read moreThe Avon School District is planning a Kindergarten Roundup on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, at 10:00 am for parents and their children who will be attending kindergarten this fall. ALL PARENTS AND CHILDREN MUST SIGN-IN AT THE OFFICE. The program will be in the present kindergarten room for the children and the parents will meet in the board room. Lunch will be provided for everyone at 11:00 am. After lunch everyone will be free to leave. Please contact the school at 286-3291 extension 114 with a lunch count by Monday morning, May 16.
Read moreConrad and Erma Meyer attended the Music Concert of their grandchildren, Nate and Kallie Meyer of Tabor at the Bon Homme School last Thursday night. They celebrated Nate's birthday after the concert.
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