St. John the Baptist Catholic Church-Wagner students received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday, April 24.
Read moreAssumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary- Dante students received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday, April 24.
Read moreDaktronics and the South Dakota Association of Secondary Principals are excited to announce the recipients of the 2022 Academic All-State Teams. High achieving seniors from across the state apply for this distinguished honor and we are proud to recognize these students for their academic accomplishments. With a history of supporting personal and professional educational growth, Daktronics is pleased to partner with SDASSP to present the Academic All-State Awards. Just as Daktronics and SDASSP are at the top of their class, so too are the recipients of these awards.
Read moreAt the May 12 Unity Jam, Catch the Wave will be hosting Wagner Lake’s First Annual Cardboard Boat Regatta. Boats and oars are to be constructed from cardboard and duct tape only. Maximum width is 48 inches (4 feet) and maximum length is 84 inches (7 feet). Captains and crewmates must be ten years of age or older and able to swim. Prizes will be awarded for fastest times (1st-3rd), Pride of the Regatta (People’s Choice), Most Spirited Team, and Titanic Award (Most Epic Sinking). Just prior to launch there will be a calcutta auction to choose the winning boat. Boats will race from the north side of the lake to the south side. The Regatta is free to enter, however, there is a $25 deposit which is due with the entry form. Deposits will be used if the rescue crew must be deployed to rescue racers and boats. Entry forms can be picked up at Commercial State Bank, can be downloaded from the Wagner Pool Fundraising Facebook page, or is available from any Catch the Wave committee member (Jamie Tjeerdsma, Darcy Kaberna, Michele Juffer, Andrea Fischer, Stacy Knebel, Ericka Kotab). Registration Deadline is June 1.
Read moreOn Sunday May 1st, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish Dante honored their three graduating seniors at the 10:30 a.m. Mass, followed by a luncheon in their honor. Left to Right, Teachers Scott McNinch and Sara Hento; Jillian Beeson, Camden Roth, Sheridan Smejkal and Fr. Jim Friedrich. Courtesy photo.
Read moreSt. John the Baptist Catholic Church celebrated First Communion on Sunday, May 1. Back row left- Teachers Judy and Jerry Barnett and Father Jim Friedrich; front row- Jordyn Kirwan, Rachel Holzbauer, Alex Woods, Windsor Soukup, and Gabriel Kafka. Courtesy photo.
Read moreDid you know that “Catch the wave” means to seize an opportunity that is presented to you, especially an opportunity to do something new?
Read moreWhen I was in high school, I played a lot of golf at Lake Region Golf Course, a pretty ninehole course near Lake Poinsett. It featured few water hazards and no sand traps, but there was a barber pole on the long par-5 fifth hole. Golfers had to stay to the left as they navigated the dogleg right, otherwise it was a penalty. I always thought was a quirky feature. Then a few years ago we did a story on some of South Dakota’s most unusual golf courses, and I discovered far more idiosyncrasies on the links all over the state.
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