For more than a year, a highly divisive debate has raged in South Dakota over two proposed carbon dioxide pipelines that wouldcapturethetoxicgasfrom ethanol plants and carry it to North Dakota and Illinois for disposal underground.
Read moreCryptocurrenciesareconfusing. Is it real money? Is it digitalmoney?Isitworththe investment? Is it risky?
Read moreTheMennoPioneerOpry will have their monthly program this Friday, August 4,at7PM. ThisAugust marks 12 years since the Opry was started in 2011 at Kaylor's Germans from RussiaHeritageHall. Since the Covid outbreak, the Opry has been held at the Big Red Barn on Menno's Pioneer Heritage site.
Read moreAvonPublicLibrarySummerReadingProgramwillhold a Movie Night on Friday, August 4th at 7 p.m., at Tolsma’s Cove and their adjoining park.
Read moreThe threat that China poses both militarily and economically is widely recognized. I’m proud that the Senate recently passed a strong defense bill that will enable the U.S. military to better deter Chinese aggression. But we also need to compete with China from a position of economic strength, and a key part of doing that is strengthening American industry and building a more resilient economy.
Read moreOne of the most common reasons a person comes to the Ear Nose and Throat clinic is a stuffy nose. The way the symptoms are described varies. The stuffiness or congestion can be present at all times, at certain times of year, worse on one side, alternate sides, and may or may not respond to medications.
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