Monday, August 14th, 2023, 6:30 pm
Board Room
Read moreHigh costs and shortages of pharmaceuticals are serious, on-going issues. Drug prices in the US are among the highest in the world. A recent survey by the Rand Corporation looked at drug prices in 32 developed countries. US prices were the highest in the group and were more than twice the average of prices in other countries. What is especially troubling is that the products sold in many of these countries are the same drugs produced by the same manufacturers as those sold in the US at much higher prices.
Read moreFeeding South Dakota food distribution will be held Friday, Aug. 25 at the Scotland Community Church at 8:45 a.m.; the Tyndall Fire Hall at 10:30 a.m. and at the Avon Fire Hall at 12 noon.
Read moreEd Van Gerpen's dads first tractor, 1935 F12 Farmall, has a new home in the rafters of his son, Scott Van Gerpen's shed. Ed's dad, W.R. (William Ray) Van Gerpen purchased the tractor in the mid 30's. Courtesy Photos
Read moreSaturdaymorningfoundditchesandfields fullofwaterasthe area received 3-6' of rain. Members of the Bon Homme County 4-H group enjoying cooling off in the water during their break from the County Achievement Days.
Read moreHigh costs and shortages of pharmaceuticals are serious, on-going issues. Drug prices in the US are among the highest in the world. A recent survey by the Rand Corporation looked at drug prices in 32 developed countries. US prices were the highest in the group and were more than twice the average of prices in other countries. What is especially troubling is that the products sold in many of these countries are the same drugs produced by the same manufacturers as those sold in the US at much higher prices.
Read moreS.D. Specialty Producers Association Joins Farmers Markets Across the County in Celebration National Farmers Market Week 2023.
Read moreSouth Dakotans are a proud people. We are proud of our upbringings, our small-town values, and our old-fashioned work ethic. There is one thing, though, that we South Dakotans are prouder of than anything else.
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