The Andes Central/Dakota Christian Thunder Cross Country team competed in their first meet of the 2021 season on Saturday, August 29 at the Mitchell Invitational Meet. In this first meet, competitors run 1000 meters shorter that the standard 5K distance. Running in the Boys’ Varsity Race was Tony Hansum who placed 45th in 18:19. For the girls, Lexi Schoenfelder was 15th (19:06), Anna DeHaan 18th (19:31) and Sonya Hansum 45th (24:05).
Read morePirate Homecoming week is September 6 - September 10th. This Years theme is "Fast Foods." The Coronation ceremony will be held in the gymnasium. Grades 7-12 Skit Contest is at 8:30 a.m. main gym, open to public. The parade will begin Friday, September 10, at 1:30 p.m. Alternative route (if applicable) will be published in next week's edition. Any float entries and Alumni classes going through the parade should register as soon as possible. Please call 605-286-3291 ext. 114 with your entry. Entries will line up in front of Avon School and surrounding streets by 1:00 p.m. Entry numbers will be distributed by school personnel. Avon Pirates will play the Alcester-Hudson Cubs at 7:00 p.m. There will be a tail gate supper at the field prior to the game until kick-off.
Read moreWagner Raiders football team traveled to play Lakota Tech this past Saturday. Wagner outscored Lakota Tech 50-0 for the win.
Read moreThe Avon Pirates started off the football season Friday, August 20th with a 56-20 win over Corsica-Stickney. Way to go Pirates!
Read moreDave, Jennifer and Bodhi Blais of Fargo, North Dakota were visitors last Thursday in the home of their grandparents and great-grandparents, Jim and Shirley Yonkers.
Read moreACDC Thunderhawks fell to Winner at their first football game Friday, August 20th in Armour. No coaches report at time of print. Photo by Barb Pechous
Read moreThank you to everyone who supported our book sale on Friday and Saturday. If you could not make it those two days and don’t mind digging through boxes the books will still be there for sale. Parents and educators we do have some nice hardcover books for children available.
Read moreWagner Swimming Pool Committee hosted an end-of-summer swimming pool party August 11. The purpose of the party was to increase awareness of the fundraising efforts to build a new pool in the community and to promote health, fun, and excitement for all of those in attendance. The children attending participated in a belly-flop contest, limbo, relay races, and hula hoops. The finale featured participants creating an atomic whirlpool. The pool committee has hosted many events in the community, including a haunted house, golf cart and yeti cooler raffle, pool parties, and an event at the baseball field. They have also advocated the project through time on South Dakota Public Radio with help from the South Dakota Gives campaign.
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