Arlys Thompson and her daughters, Gayle and Carley Cushenberry and Nan, Brian and Katie Renstrom of Shoreview, Minnesota and her, Eric, Dana, Emily, Morgan, Ethan and Brady Thompson of Brandon spent the Thanksgiving Holiday for several days in Crowcreek, Arizona along with Philip and Nancy )Thompson) Kierman of Scottsdale, Arizona. On Saturday they were guests in the Kierman home. They returned back to South Dakota the Monday after Thanksgiving. Arlys remained overnight at Eric and Dana's and came home Tuesday.
Read moreSamantha Brodeen was born on February 6, 2004 to Cathy and the late Jack Brodeen. She has an older brother, Slater. In her spare time, Brodeen enjoys spending time with her friends and watching movies. She lives by a quote by Theodore Rosovelt. It reads, “Believe you can and you’re already halfway there.”
Read moreAvon Drama Department is starting the signup process for this year's two act play. The performance will be April 9, and it will be a comedy, but not a musical. The play is titled How I Met Your Mummy.
Read moreThis wrestling season Avon has three wrestlers: Brady Bierema (11th), Tyler Tjeerdsma (10th), and Al’Shamon Gunter (8th). All of them have been wrestling since they were in 2nd and 3rd grade and are looking forward to improving their skills and making it to the State Wrestling Tournament.
Read moreAvon was well-represented at Region Oral Interp qualifying all attendees for State Oral Interp in Huron on December 3 and 4. Students will be performing the following pieces at the meet: Reece Loewe, Sarah Swier, Gracie Small, McKenna Kocmich, and Courtney Sees (Reader’s Theatre), Ashley Tolsma (Humorous), Sarah Swier (Storytelling), Kimmy and Ashley Tolsma (Duet), Caleb Wallinga (Non-original Oratory), and Reece Loewe (Serious Prose).
Read moreHayden Talsma, 15-year-old son of Tina and Jerry Talsma, is a sophomore. He has one sibling, Hensley. Talsma has many cats, two dogs, and 20 horses. His favorite class is choir, and his favorite school lunch is chicken strips.
Read moreThe ACT (American College Test) is a standardized test that is used as a part of college admissions. This test covers English, math, reading, and science. On November 30, the junior class took an online ACT practice test to help them prepare for the real ACT when the time comes next spring.
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