As the new year approaches, Avon School says goodbye to our business manager of over five years, Sara Hento. Hento’s highlight of her time in Avon was getting to know the community and staff closer than when she had previously worked in Yankton. She will miss her co-workers the most because they are an awesome group of people and very close to her heart.
Read moreOn Thursday, December 2, preschool through fifth grade performed “Karaoke Christmas” at their Christmas Operetta. Mrs. Raja Brandt directed the preschoolers, Miss Mataya Larsgaard directed the fifth grade band, and Mrs. Autumn Schultz directed and choreographed kindergarten through fifth grade.
Read moreCharlianna is a 7th grader at Avon. She starts her school days by getting up at 6:45 a.m. If she could have one food for breakfast she would choose pancakes, but on the daily she has cereal.
Read moreHoliday cheer begins early for school activities. On December 9, the Avon Junior High and High School choirs performed their Christmas pieces to the public.
Read moreEvery holiday season the cheerleaders love to spread cheer throughout the whole school. The girls are able to spread cheer by selling candy grams. They have done this for the past eight years.
Read moreMrs. Connie Gretschmann’s sophomore geometry class has been doing geometry activities to get into the holiday spirit. One of their activities was making a Christmas tree out of geometry shapes. They each decorated two shapes, and then tried to piece all of the shapes together to make a Christmas tree.
Read moreNorth Point Recreation Area held their North Pole at North Point event Friday and Saturday. Saturday Santa and Mrs. Claus paid a visit. They also had hayrides and many activities at each cabin including crafts, hot cider, letters to Santa and soldiers.
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