Our nation loves to celebrate holidays. Today, I want to talk about one day that does not get enough attention: September 17, Constitution Day.
Read moreZoomerang! Community VBS “Goodday Mates!” was the greeting that the Blockes (Boys) and Sheila’s (Girls) heard each day as they attended the community VBS which was held August 1-5th from 9-noon snd the Avon Park by the Danzig, First Baptist, First Presbyterian, and Friedenburg Bible Churches.
Read moreIn June the Bargain Shoppe gave $1,000. to the Bon Homme 4-H. In July the Bon Homme 4-2 Snack Pack Program (3 schools) received $3,000 and Avon & Scotland Snack Pack/Backpack Programs received $2,000 each.
Read morePeople often talk about having a “gut feeling” when they know something is wrong. What feelings come when there is something wrong with the digestive system itself and how do you differentiate between 'butterflies' acting up and a serious gastrointestinal problem?
Read moreSeptember 1st the Wagner class of 1972 held thier 50 year class reunion at Two Spurs. Pictured from left, Way Back: Norm Uherka and Jim Hill. Back Row left to right: Ken Swatek, Clyde Wiechman, Jackie (Soukup) Pendergraft, Alene (Wiechmann) Toupal, Joan (Reuland) Bohannon, Mike Novak, Carleen (Morgan) Juran, Tom Thaler, Steve Kocer, John Carda & Ted Honke. Seated Left to right: Larry Corey, Barb (Frager) Birger, Francis Archambeau, Judy (Podzimek) Bruner, Kathy (Beuchler) Moore, Rich Nedved, Barb (Rehwaldt) Hall, Rosie (Soukup) Koupal, Pam (Crisman) Bastemeyer, Carol (Hrdlicka) Slaba, & Mike Beeson. On the floor Diane (Nedved) Von Eschen and Karen (Soukup) Kuhlman. Courtesy photo.
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