The Lady Thunder Runners for Andes Central/Dakota Christian won the Great Plains Conference Cross Country Meet last Thursday in Burke.
Read moreThe Avon Lady Pirates hosted Colome on Thursday, September 22 and took the win 3-1.
Read moreAndes Central School Board members were honored by the Associated School Boards of South Dakota for their collective efforts to enhance their knowledge of school board work throughout the 2021-22 school year.
Read moreAC/DC-TDA football team played a home game at Armour against Woonsocket/Wessington Springs/Sanborn Central on Friday night. The Thunderhawks fell to the Blackhawks 0-25. Their next game is in Tripp on Friday the 30th at 7:00 p.m. Come cheer on your Thunderhawks!
Read moreAmerican Legion Greer Post #11 held its monthly meeting on September 15th, 2022 at the Post Home with 24 members in attendance. Commander Clayton Rados thanked the cooks for the delicious meal. Guests in attendance were Joe and Vera Hall, Willie and Jeanine Horner, Todd and Amy and Katheryn Doom. Joe and Willie are instrumental every year in helping with the Labor Day food stand and a round of applause was given. Katheryn was present to thank the Legion Auxiliary as she represented Wagner at Girls’ State. Commander Rados called the members to attention. Chaplain Don Kotab gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion was recited by all members. Commander Rados then called the meeting to order.
Read moreDressler is a Veteran of the Korean War, having enlisted May of 1952. Dressler chose to enlist because everybody around him was enlisting and he wanted to be able to choose his military branch. Gene was born and raised in Claflin, KS where he enlisted. He attended boot camp for sixteen weeks at Fort Pickett in VA. Dressler was part of the Army Medical Corp. After basic training, Dressler spent the next seven months in Denver, CO at the Fitzsimons Army Medical Center. He was trained as a medic, an army job that he was able to choose. Dressler had orders for the Far East Command, but shortly after receiving those orders, he was one of four taken off of the list and was instead sent to Mainz-Gonsenheim, Germany. He felt that he was very lucky to have not been sent to Korea, as the opposition was specifically targeting medics. He spent a year in Germany before taking a ship back to the United States where he was discharged from Ft. Knox, KY in May of 1954. Dressler did not see any combat, but had some very interesting experiences during his military enlistment. During his time in Denver, he and other soldiers were bussed to different ski resorts around the Denver area. So every weekend for the six months he was there he skiied. While stationed in Germany, Dressler had the opportunity to try out for the All European Skeet Team. It took him a month to join the team. As a member of the team he was able to go and shoot skeet for a week in Garmisch, Germany. During his time in Germany, Dressler was able to take two-two week leaves where he traveled throughout Europe. He traveled to England, Italy, Switzerland, France, Bavaria and Prague. Bavaria being his favorite place that he has traveled to during his life. He received a Good Coduct Medal while stationed in Germany. After being discharged from the army as a sergeant, Dressler immediately went to college for six years at Kansas State University to become a veterinarian. He spent his summers during college in Alaska. In Alaska he did construction, fought forest fires, and even gold mined. After college, Dressler moved to Miller, SD to work as a vet. He practiced in Miller for two years. While in Miller, Gene met his wife, Gertie Stratton of Marion, SD. They moved to Wagner and raised their six kids: Kimberly, Michael, Michelle, Jodie, Todd and Douglas. Doc Dressler was a vet here in Wagner for 34 years before retiring.
Read moreArthur Wissman Unit 150 American Legion Auxiliary, donated dictionaries to the third grade Avon elementary class on September 14.
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