Read moreImagine how just over one hundred years ago, nearly ⅓ of people in the upper Great Lakes and upper Midwest regions walked around with a goiter on their neck. A goiter is a lump on the throat, which could be as big as an orange, a grapefruit, or larger. Actually an enlargement of thethyroidgland,agoitercancomefromanoveractive thyroid gland, an under-active thyroid gland, or an autoimmune condition, but in the United States before the 1920s, the reason was almost always deficiency of iodine.
Read moreWagner held their Prom 2023 ”A Night in New Orleans” Saturday
Read moreThe Lake Andes Public library is a recipient of the Stephanie Miller Davis Charitable Fund grant for the 3rd year. The library is excited to use the funding to supplement summer programming with the funds from the grant. One of our first items to be purchased are additions to our STEAM program. These fun ways to experiment with electricity, robots and more can be used when you visit the library. The programs are for ages four and over. The library plans to use these as part of our summer programming on STEAM days at the library.
Read moreAvon Elementary Pre-kindergarten through fifth grade presented their Elementary Spring Concert 'Broadway Beat' on Thursday, April 20th under the direction of: Autumn Shultz (Directed and Choreographed), Mataya Larsgaard (Band Director), Raja Brandt (Preschool Director) and Matthew Grant (Sound Technician). Photos by Jenna Petrik
Read moreSpring is finally here in the Northern Plains and summer feels just around the corner. As all we Northerners know, as soon as the temperatures hit even a mild degree on the thermometer most of us shed the jackets and long pants, and our skin is front-and-center.
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