Rep. Drew Peterson officially announced his bid for reelection for District 19 House of Representatives. Drewisadiversifiedagproducer - one of only 13 in our state legislature and has served in the House of Representatives since 2022. As a strong advocate for rural communities and our state’s number one industry, Drew works closely with many of the state’s leading agorganizations,including South Dakota Corn, South Dakota Farm Bureau, South DakotaSoybean,SouthDakota Ethanol,andtheSouthDakota Cattlemen’s Association.
Read moreThe annual 2024 Pirate AwardsProgramwasheld May 2ndintheAvonAuxiliaryGym. InterimSuperintendent,Brian Fields, was the Master of Ceremonies for this year’s event. PastorLorneyVanGerpengave the opening prayer. Then the Avon High School Men’s Choir underthedirectionofAutumn Schultz sang “I’m Just Ken” by MarkRonson.Afterwards,the banquetbeganandwascatered by Dale Buchholz Catering.
Read moreThe VA burial allowance is a partial reimbursement of an eligible veteran’s burial and funeral costs. To be eligible, the veteran must have been discharged under conditions other than dishonorable and must have been receiving VA compensation or pension or receiving military retired pay at the time of death. The amount of payment depends upon whether the veteran’s cause of death is service-connected or nonservice- connected.
Read moreThe Wagner Speedway racing season was set to open last weekend Saturday, May 4th, but due to weather was postponed to this upcoming Saturday, May 11th.
Read moreMay Day (May 1st) came in cool and a little windy but was welcomed by the Wagner Rotary Club. Everyone needs some sunshine and warmer weather. President Brunsing called the members to order and read a prayer of thankfulness. There were no guests present so she called upon Assistant Song leader Jeff Doom to lead us in singing. He opened the Rotary Song Book, and we were to sing Stodola Pumpa. If you haven’t heard of this song don’t feel bad. There was a brief discussion on the number of verses to sing and Leader Doom was outnumbered. We sang only one verse and spontaneously went into singing another verse of “Smile.”
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