Wagner Labor Day would not be what it is without the Wagner Legion Greer Post #11. Every year without fail, they gather on the Friday of Labor Day weekend to place the flags up in the park and then take them down Labor Day Monday evening. This year was no exception. Even though it was an extremely hot Labor Day weekend the flags blew beautifully in the park. Members of the Wagner American Legion, Sons of the American Legion and the Wagner American Legion Auxiliary that helped put up and take down the flags were Clayton Rados, Paul Kucera, Jacob Kucera, Barb Kucera, Dennis Merkwan, Melvin Horner, Bruce Specketer, Jay Youngbluth, Don Hubbard, Jerry Seiner, Dave Isebrands, David Link, Tony Krcil, Danny Rezac, Mark Roberts, Linda Roberts, Rylie Roberts, John Crisman, Jim Bastemeyer and Rick Zolnowsky.
Read moreFollowing the Labor Day parade this year, the Wagner St. John Lutheran Church served a luncheon open to the community. It was a free-will donation with all proceeds going to the Wince family. In July of this year, Tanner and Talia Wince had their fourth son, Hudson, who was born with a heart defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). Talia and baby Hudson are currently at the Children’s Hospital Colorado in Aurora. Tanner and the three oldest boys have returned to Wagner with the start of school.
Read moreWagner Community School welcomed a new 5th and 6th grade science teacher for the 2023-2024 school year, Rubylin Harrington. Rubylin has been teaching for nine years and has taught all sciences grades 5th through 12th. Harrington previously taught middle school science at Andes Central for the past three years.
Read moreKenny is a Veteran of the Vietnam War. In December of 1962, Powers joinedtheNationalGuard and was a part of the Springfield Engineering Unit. He was 17 at the time. Being he was 17, he had to wait a year until he was able to go to basic training. On September 23, 1963, Powers left for basic training. He was sent to Fort Leonard Wood, MO for his training. Not only did he complete his basic training there, but hecompletedhisadvanced individual training (AIT) as a heavy equipment operator, spending all six months of training at the Fort Leonard Wood base. Powers served in the National Guard three different times, serving a total of 14 years. Hisfirstenlistmentwas from December 10, 1962, until December 9, 1970. His second was from July 13, 1973, until July 13, 1975. Powers’ final enlistment wasfromDecember18 ,1976, until December 17, 1980. During the last enlistment, Kenny was a squad leader. When asked why he joined the National Guard, Kenny said that it felt like the right thing to do. The night he first enlisted intheNationalGuard;28other youngmenalsojoinedhisunit. Camaraderie with his fellow soldiers and the training were the highlights of his military service.
Read moreAvon American Legion Auxiliary Arthur Wissman Unit 150 donated dictionaries to Loretta Knodel’s third graders Tuesday, August 22nd. Unit 150’s annual Dictionary Project helps promote literacy in the community. Making the presentation were Unit President Mary Hurd and Unit Treasurer Florence Powers. Loretta Knodel is also a member of Unit 150.
Read moreAvon Farmers Coop Fuel Station is all decked out with some new signage. The station has gone through several improvements including cleaning up the back lot, new sign, and is now undergoing remodeling inside. They appreciate all the people of Avon for supporting them. The stations hours are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday 8 a.m. to 12noon. Coming soon will be three credit card pumps to allow 24-hour service on all fuels. This winter plans are to have available #2 clear and #2 red and #1 clear and #1 red, all avilable on credit card pumps. Congratulations Farmers Coop on your improvements!!!
Read moreTheLadyPiratestraveledto Alexandria last week to start their volleyball season at the Hanson - Early Bird Tournament.
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