It has been estimated that every two seconds a child is exploited in the sex trade and approximately 100,000 boys and girls in the US are bought and sold annually in this human trafficking trade. Human trafficking as defined by the U.S.
It has been estimated that every two seconds a child is exploited in the sex trade and approximately 100,000 boys and girls in the US are bought and sold annually in this human trafficking trade.
Wednesday, January 8th, found the Wagner Rotary members back in their clubhouse for a regular meeting after a three-week absence due to the holidays.
Cahoy’s General Store was named 2025 Retailer of the Year by the South Dakota Retailers Association this past December.
The Wagner varsity boys basketball team traveled to Ethan Tuesday night and picked up their fourth win in a row. The game was tied up 17-17 after the first period.
The Lady Raiders traveled to Ethan to take on the Rustlers last Tuesday night in girls basketball action.
Avon faced off against Ethan at home Thursday, January 9th where the took the loss 47-71.
Rail to Trail Update Tyndall to Platte
P SALM 12:9 'Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin?' (KJV) PSALM 51:5 'Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and sin did my mother conceive me.' (KJV) ROMANS 3:9 'What then?
Rail to Trail Update: On November 14 I attended a meeting in Pickstown, where the main concern was how to raise up to ten million dollars.
Update on Tyndall-Platte Rail & Trail: I attended a meeting in Lake Andes August 27th where engineers who will be doing the feasibility study gave their plan on the process.
Governor Noem’s budget address from December 3rd proposes drastic cuts to the South Dakota State Library. A bill outlining the cuts has been delivered to the legislature for the 2025 session.
P ROVERBS 18:10 'The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous run into it, and are safe.' (KJV) PSALM 18:12 'The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer: my God my strength, in
Governor Dennis Daugaard announced that the state Board of Water and Natural Resources approved a $275,000 grant to the Randall Resource Conservation and Development Association for a watershed res
Funeral mass for Clarence I. Stratman, 89, of Springfield, was Thursday, January 2 at St. Vincent’s Catholic Church in Springfield. Burial was in St. Vincent Catholic Cemetery in Springfield.
Funeral services for Joseph Grant Stedronsky, 96, of Wagner, were Monday, January 6 at the United Methodist Church. Burial was in the ZCBJ Cemetery, rural Wagner with military honors.
Funeral services for Joseph Grant Stedronsky, 96, of Wagner, will be held Monday, January 6 at 10:30 a.m. at the United Methodist Church.
Ardis Faye Gingery, 73, died December 7 at the Community Memorial Hospital in Wagner. At her side at the time of death was her loving companion, Mike Econome of Wyoming.