A Celebration of Life for Joyce Janssen, 92, of Avon will be held Saturday, August 27 at 11 a.m., at theDanzigBaptistChurchinrural Avon. Visitation will be the hour prior to her celebration. Joyce has donated her body to science and future interment will be next to her husband James in the Danzig Baptist Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, please direct memorials to a charity of your choice.
Joyce Ellen Janssen was born on the family farm north of Avon on March 12, 1930, the daughter of Emmanuel and Pauline (Engel) Hubner. She died Thursday, August 18 at the Avera Bormann Manor in Parkston. Joyce married James “Jim” Janssen on September 15, 1948. She helped Jim with their trucking businessanddrovetheschool activities bus. After Jim’s death she worked at Ron’s Market. Joyce made over 500 quilts and wasaffectionatelyknownas“The Quilt Lady”. Thankful for having shared her life are her daughters: Janet (Ken) Lingemann and Jolene (Dan)Sterner,bothof SiouxFalls; grandchildren: Kendra (Wade) Beringer, Corbin Lingemann, Amanda (Phil) Levesque, Kade Lingemann, Chase Lingemann and Dax (Alisha) Sterner; ten great grandchildren; and many nieces, nephews, and other relatives.
Joyce was preceded in death byherhusbandJim,hersiblings: Burnell (Minnie) Hubner, Velma (LaVelle) Meiers, Cliff (Phyllis) Hubner, and Clarice (Johnnie) Reiff; brothers-in-law: Glen (Bernice) Janssen and Don (Betty) Janssen;andsister-in-lawGladys (Bill) Hasker.