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Poultry Show

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American: Marin Bultje—Purple and Avery Schacht—1 Purple, 1 Blue, and 2 Reds. Asiatic: Abigail Svatos—3 Purples, Marin Bultje—1 Purple and 1 Blue, Emery Bultje—1 Purple, and Riata Bultje—1 Purple, 1 Blue, and 1 Red. Continental: Emery Bultje—1 Purple and 2 Blues, and Riata Bultje—2 Purples and 1 Blue. English: Emery Bultje—Purple, Riata Bultje—Purple, and Abigail Svatos—2 Purples. Mediterranean: Marin Bultje—2 Purples, Riata Bultje—Purple, and Abigail Svatos—Purple. Any Other Standard Breed: Emery Bultje—Blue and Marin Bultje—Blue. Single Comb Clean Leg Bantams: Bradley Dangel—1 Purple and 1 Blue, Luke Dangel—1 Purple and 1 Blue, and Avery Schacht—Purple. Rose Comb Clean Leg Bantams: Luke Dangel—2 Purples and Bradley Dangel—3 Blues. All Other Clean Leg Bantams: Luke Dangel—2 Blues and 1 Red. Game Bantams: Bradley Dangel—Blue and Avery Schacht—4 Blues. Grand Champion Poultry: Luke Dangel. Reserve Champion Poultry: Marin Bultje. Ducks: Avery Schacht—Purple, Bradley Dangel—1 Purple and 2 Blues, and Luke Dangel—3 Blues. Turkeys: Luke Dangel—Blue and Bradley Dangel—Blue. Grand Champion Waterfowl: Avery Schacht. Reserve Champion Waterfowl: Bradley Dangel. Game Birds—Quail: Bradley Dangel—2 Purples. Other Game Birds: Pigeon: Luke Dangel—2 Purples. Doves: Avery Schacht—2 Purples. Brown Egg Layer: Bradley Dangel—Purple and Luke Dangel—Purple. Egg Display Exhibits: Luke Dangel—Purple, Bradley Dangel—Purple, Emery Bultje—Purple, Marin Bultje—Purple, Bennet VanZee—Purple, and Riata Bultje—Blue. Grand Champion Eggs: Luke Dangel. Reserve Champion Eggs: Bennet VanZee.

Poultry Showmanship

Senior: Avery Schacht—Purple. Grand Champion Senior Showman: Avery Schacht. Juniors: Riata Bultje—Purple, Abigail Svatos—Purple, and Bradley Dangel—Purple. Grand Champion Junior Showman: Abigail Svatos. Reserve Showman: Riata Bultje. Beginners: Emery Bultje—Purple, Marin Bultje—Purple, and Luke Dangel—Purple. Grand Champion Beginner Showman: Emery Bultje. Reserve Showman: Marin Bultje. Round Robin Grand Champion Showman: Rose Eitemiller. Round Robin Reserve Champion Showman: Maesa Dvorak.