Funeral services for Lorraine Matuska, 89, of Delmont were held Wednesday, November, 28 at the First Lutheran Church in Lake Andes. Burial was in the ZCBJ Cemetery, Tabor. Crosby-Jaeger Funeral Home in Wagner was in charge of arrangements.
Lorraine Edith Kirchhevel was born at home in Delmont to Edward and Freida (Peters) Kirchhevel on May 25, 1929. She died Saturday, November 24, 2018 at Armour Care & Rehab in Armour.
Lorraine was the oldest daughter in a family of six children and some of her best childhood memories were those shared playing with her best friend and little sister Kathleen.
Lorraine graduated from 8th grade on June 12, 1943 at Charles Mix County Public School. She married Joseph Fred Matuska on June 7, 1948. Three children were born to their union: Douglas, Dianne and Terry. Lorraine worked alongside Joe at the farm in addition to caring for her children and home. Lorraine always had a beautiful flower garden along with a vegetable garden so she could provide canned items for the winter for her family. Lorraine and Joe built a new home in 1968 on the farm place which was Lorraine’s pride and joy. She loved to paint and wallpaper every few years. Lorraine and Joe loved going to dances and spending time visiting neighbors. Lorraine was a great baker and she loved baking and sharing her desserts with Doug after he would take her to get her hair done or shopping. She also loved to show her grandchildren how to bake cinnamon rolls and other baked items. Her pickled beets and fluffy dumplings were the best ever and she shared her recipes with her daughter-in-law and grandson’s wife.
She enjoyed many evenings playing cards with special friends Rosie Grosz, Effie Uttecht and Dorothy Fink. She also treasured her weekend drives to area towns for rummage sales with Rosie and friends. Weekly trips on the van to the Fort Randall Casino were social events that she cherished as she was able to visit with her friends she had met. Lorraine loved to draw and color by hand, and enjoyed putting puzzles together until her vision did not allow her to continue. She loved nature and in addition to her love of birds she enjoyed all small animals. Lorraine loved to follow her favorite country music stars by clipping articles from the newspapers and jotting down notes that she heard on the radio. She had many notebooks with clippings and notes to help her keep track of their careers.
Lorraine was happiest when she was able to spend time with her grandchildren and great grandchildren. She would make sure that she had something special for each grandchild whenever they came to visit. She loved sharing pictures of all her grandkids and carried them in her wallet to show her friends.
Lorraine was a member of the VFW Auxiliary Post 3239 and the American Legion Auxiliary #10, both of Lake Andes for 29 years.
Lorraine is survived by her sons Douglas (Tammy) Matuska of Armour and Yankton, Terry Matuska of Omaha; four grandchildren: Lori, Joseph, Danica and Katarina; great granddaughters, Lilly Lorraine and Layla Ann of Pierce, NE; sister Kathleen Brey of KY, and two brothers: Lawrence (Sandy) Kirchhvel of KY and George (Karin) Kirchhevel of Tripp.
Lorraine was preceded in death by her parents Ed and Freida Kirchhevel, husband Joseph Fred Matuska, daughter Dianne Kocer, three infant grandchildren, daughter-in-law Lynn Matuska, brother Leon, and sister LaValle.