The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) encourages all farmers, ranchers, and FSA program participants to take part in the Charles Mix County Committee election nomination process.
Read moreGreer Post #11 American Legion Auxiliary met June 18, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. with nine members present. The meeting was called to order by President Juanita Stone. The opening prayer was read by Chaplain Margie Stone. All members recited the flag pledge and Auxiliary preamble. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The treasurers report was given and approved. There were no bills presented. Community service hours were reported and recorded. Correspondence was read from District President Janice Coleman. Membership Chairman Barb Kucera reported we have 77 paid members. The new year will begin in July, and new notices will be coming in the mail soon. Community Service chairman Margie Stone reported appropriate cards had been sent: sympathy eight, thinking of you three, birthday one. Unfinished business was the raffle and soup day, which was not held, and also Poppy days, because of the Covid 19. The soup day may be held in the fall, but was tabled for now. Legionette of the year for our district was recently picked, she is from the Auxiliary of Parker. Congratulations to her! New business, a motion was made by Barb Clemens, to order dictionaries for the school, motion carried, they are ordered. Sandi Seiner made a motion to donate to Children’s Miracle network, and Special Olympic. Motion carried. Quarter basket was won by Barb Wiechmann and donated back to Children and youth bank. The draping of the Charter was done by President Juanita Stone and Chaplain Margie Stone, in memory of Lona Holzbauer. As there being no further business, Chaplin Margie Stone read the prayer for peace and President Juanita Stone adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m.
Read moreBuche Foods is ecstatic and proud to announce that this year they have awarded the $1,000 Underdog Scholarships for 2020 to Morgan Nedved from Wagner High School.
Read moreOn a night that was presented by the South Dakota Lottery, luck would show its full spectrum, both good and bad, Friday at Wagner Speedway.
Read moreThe Charles Mix County 4-H program received a $200.00 CFEL Gardening Mini Grant. The funding was used to start a perennial bed at the Lake Andes Community Garden site. Some of the items planted were raspberries (red, yellow and purple), winter onions, strawberries, chives, asparagus, sage and thyme. A garden and soaker hose were also purchased with the funds. Currently the 4-H Youth were not allowed to help with the garden project due to Covid 19 and program restrictions. The hope is, that in the future they will be able to help in the garden, possibly use the yields in their 4-H projects, and contribute to the farmers market. (Courtesy Photo)
Read moreThe library is open on a limited basis currently due to the pandemic, but we are open. We invite you to call if you have questions or need information about use of the library computers and checking out of materials. The phone number at the library is 487-7524.
Read moreThe South Dakota State Library is pleased to announce 19 recipients of the first round of Library Technology grants funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the federal CARES Act. Awardees received $1,000 or $2,000 grants to update, expand, or improve technology in their libraries.
Read moreWagner Community School Academic Letter winners for the first and second semesters are: Isabella Alcaraz, Paige Anderson, Michael Barnett, Alaina Bechen, Jillian Beeson, Olivia Breen, Avari Bruguier, Abby Brunsing, Alcista Dion, Kathryn Doom, JaCee Dvorak, Owen Eitemiller, Phoenix Foster, Simon Freier, Arianne Gabato, Mackenzie Hollingsworthm Malcolm Janis, Mikayla Janis, Kallen Kafka, Brooke Knoll, Jessica Kocer, Michaela Kokes, Myles Kokes, Colby Krcil, Tanner Krcil, Isabella Kreber, Mya Kuhlman, Brennan Leines, Braydyn Lhotak, Chris Nelson, Ciara Nelson, Michael Ober, Jaden Peters, Paige Petry, Payton Petry, Ava Podzimek, Faith Podzimek, Mackenzie Roberts, Emily RobertsonCamden Roth, Teddy Slaba, Sheridan Smejkal, Michelle Soukup, Tawi Star Comes Out, Elizabeth Tyler, Jagger Tyler, Laila Waetermans, Joaquin Williamson, Cassidy Wilson, Angelita Zephier, Atiyana Zephier and Theron Zephier.
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