USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is currently open to phone and virtual appointments only but can still work with producers on timely filing crop acreage reports. FSA staff can provide assistance over the phone, by email and through virtual meetings via Microsoft Teams.
Read moreThe 5th Annual Dante Pickup and Tractor Pull was held on a hot Sunday afternoon with several pickups, tractors and semis participating in the annual event . Special thanks to Bree Kotab of BNK Photography for covering the event for us .
Read moreGreer Post #11 American Legion held its monthly meeting July 16, 2020 at the Post Home. Commander Robert Kucera called the members to attention. Acting Chaplain Tom Cartney gave the invocation, which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion was recited by all members.
Read moreApproximately 2,700 lineal feet of ACP water main lines that have reached the end of their useful life are being replaced around Wagner . Funds will also be used to replace a total of approximately 7,765 lineal feet of clay or ACP as well as service lines to property lines . The deteriorated grit chamber will also be replaced . Work will continue to take place in various areas of the City of Wagner with a completion date of October 1st of 2021 . The total project cost is $4,340,000 . Photo by Barb Pechous
Read more101 Walnut Ave. SW, Wagner, SD 57380 Website:
Read moreChairman Dan Klimisch of Yankton has announced that the James River Water Development District awarded $79,960.98 in cost-sharing assistance at their recent regular Board of Directors meeting.
Read moreChemicals extracted from corn may one day be used to produce durable, heat-resistant plastic parts, according to Distinguished Professor Kasiviswanathan Muthukumarappan of South Dakota State University’s Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering.
Read moreWhether you’re jet-setting across the globe or enjoying a nearby “staycation,” AAA’s top ten tips to safeguard things
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