Last spring, I was at home washing my hands, and as I glanced up into the mirror, I noticed something unusual. My bathroom light hit my neck just right as I swallowed and there it was: a prominent lump. I diagnosed myself with a thyroid nodule and wondered how I, a physician, had failed to notice this large protuberance before that moment.
Read moreElla Hamilton takes in a health care presentation at the armory in Wagner this past Thursday.
Read moreThis week marked one year since President Biden took office. I wish I could say happy anniversary, but it isn’t that happy. Let’s be honest, it’s been a bumpy ride.
Read moreIt is no mistake that when Thomas Jefferson declared all men are endowed with the “right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” LIFE came first. The Constitution clearly delegates defending the lives and safety of the people to the government as its chief role. That includes defending the rights and the lives of unborn children.
Read moreThe Wagner Community Memorial Hospital-Avera sponsored an 11th annual 8th Grade Career Fair on Thursday, January 20 at the Wagner National Guard Armory. Partnering with the South Dakota Department of Health, the event also included “Camp Med Lanes”, which featured several different healthcare career choices. The event was coordinated by hospital employee, Connie Kaufman RN, BSN.
Read moreThe Wagner Rotary Club met on Wednesday, January 19th for its regular, but very cold, weekly meeting. President Bryan Slaba welcomed everyone and thanked them for staying even though the furnace wasn’t working and the temperature was 57 degrees. Guests were Kristina Ymker of Armour, South Dakota who currently works for Rotarian Amanda Bechen and is also an EMT for the Wagner Ambulance Service and Rotarian Rebecca Brunsing introduced her guest Roberta Haar Duke who was back visiting family from the Netherlands.
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