It was an exciting week in the area as Bass Pro Shops & Cabela’s National Walleye Tour was held on Lake Francis Case in Pickstown on Thursday and Friday. Taking the win with a final weight of 27.10” was Duane Hjelm, a South Dakota Pro Angler, to take home a total of $95,055 in cash and prizes including a 2023 Ranger 621FS. Hjelm shared that he took a gamble and threw back a big fish and worried if that choice would cost him the win, but he landed a few other key fish to give him the weight to take the win by one pound. A big win on a big day, as it was also his anniversary. Jeff Cortez of Forest Lake, Minnesota won the co-angler title with a total of 26.13 pounds to take home $8,970 including the Ranger Cup bonus.
Read moreRiata Bultje from the Andes Central FFA Chapter, traveled to Washington D.C. during the week of June 13-18. Riata spent the week in workshops, seminars, and small groups, while focusing on identifying and developing her personal strengths and goals while under-going comprehensive leadership training that will help her guide the FFA chapter.
Read moreOn June 20th, members of the Avon MusicDepartmentheadedtoMinneapolis for their Senior Music Trip. They have fundraised for this since their freshman yearandwereabletopackalotofactivities in during their two days in the city.
Read moreMany of us have likely been educated on how to be healthier, which includes the foods we should consume, and the exercise we should complete on a daily basis, so we can achieve being ‘healthy.’ This information is important to know, but have you ever been educated about the risks that your current diet and habits of daily living impose on your health?
Read morePitch, Hit and Run was held in Wagner of Wednesday, June 14th with a great group of young athletes in attendance. Major League Baseball Pitch Hit & Run is a free event that provides boys and girls -- ages 7 to 14 -- an opportunity to showcase their baseball and softball skills, while earning a chance to attend and perform during the MLB World Series!
Read moreMuddy Creek ProRodeo Back in Town for the Burke Stampede Ro-deo It was Chancy Wilson who planted the seed of encouragement that The Burke Stampede Rodeo go PRO. He recognized that our rodeo had been doing everything profes-sionally except inviting the cowboys and cowgirls of the PRCA (Profes-sional Rodeo Cowboys Association) and the WPRA (Women's Profes-sional Rodeo Association) to com-pete on our arena floor. Chancy had been providing stock for our amateur rodeo for several years. The Burke Stampede Committee took his advice to heart and for the first time in our 32 year history, The Burke Stam-pede was sanctioned by Professional Rodeo in 2021. It was all we had hoped for and dreamed of and more. And this year Chancy and crew known as Muddy Creek ProRodeo will be back to help us continue the Legend that is THE BURKE STAMPEDE RODEO.
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