Thanks to Punxsutawney Phil everyone is running around with spring fever!
Read moreWagner Community Memorial Hospital Avera Auxiliary held their monthly meeting February 28, with six members present. President Pearl Weber called the meeting to order an members read the Auxiliary prayer in unison.
Read moreMembers of Court St. Rose of Lima #700 of the Wagner/Dante Parishes, will host their annual soup luncheon Sunday, March 17th, beginning at 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. The menu will consist of chicken noodle soup, chili soup, chicken salad sandwiches, ham sandwiches and desserts. Coffee and juice will also be served.
Read moreEveryone knows a good dentist is hard to find. In honor of National Dentists Day on March 6th, 2004, local dentist, Dr. Hilary Haley, of Wagner Family Dental deserves to be recognized for all of her hard work and dedication to the Wagner and surrounding communities. Not only is the day a day of celebration and appreciation of dentists, but it also serves to bring awareness to the dentistry field itself and how to better care for one’s teeth.
Read moreNational Dental Assistants Recognition Week is observed the week of March 3rd thru March 9th. This week recognizes the outstanding contributions of dental assistants whose efforts help give our nation and local communities the best possible health care. The Wagner Family Dental clinic has three wonderful dental assistants, Linsay Link, Nora Svatos, and Sara Shoemaker. These ladies deserve recognition and a big thank you for all of their services to the Wagner and surrounding communities.
Read morePresident Becky Brunsing rang the Rotary Bell to bring the Wagner Rotarians to order on Wednesday, February 28th. Members present groaned at her ring and urged her to try again. And again. And finally, she gave the bell the proper “whack” to get it to ring loud and clear. She needs to practice her swing.
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