As we approach the upcoming Memorial Day holiday, we wish to remind the community of the rules for decorations at the Wagner Cemetery. Out of respect to families, our volunteer cemetery board has thoughtfully considered what is in the best interest of families and also what is in the best interest of the maintenance and mowing of the cemetery. Much thought was put into what is appropriate and also what is able to be maintained. Please be considerate of the volunteers who have given their time to help clean up the cemetery and also the mowing crew that we have contracted to keep the cemetery mowed and trimmed this summer.
Read moreIn partnership with the Small Business Administration (SBA), Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC) of the Dakotas equips active duty service members, retired military, National Guard and Reserve personnel and their spouses with the resources needed to help them start, purchase, or grow their businesses. VBOC of the Dakotas serves the states of North Dakota and South Dakota. The main office is located in the Center for Innovation, Ina Mae Rude Entrepreneur Center on the University of North Dakota Campus.
Read moreGreer Unit#11 American Legion Auxiliary met on May 20, 2021, at the post home with 13 members present. The meeting was called to order by President Juanita Stone. Chaplain Margie Stone opened in prayer. The Pledge of Allegiance and Auxiliary Preamble were recited in unison. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and corrections were made. The treasurers report was given and approved. No bills were presented. Membership chairman Barb Kucera reported 75 members paid with a goal of 78. Community service Chairman Margie Stone reported appropriate cards had been sent, five in total. Unfinished business was Poppy Days. They were completed, we still have a few places to contact yet. Poppy posters were judged with the following students chosen winners: 2nd grade Poppy Posters: 1st - Christopher French, 2nd- Loren Von Eschen. 1st Grade Coloring: 1st- Audrey Gabel, 2nd- Windsor Soukup. Kindergarten Coloring: 1st, Parker Cihak, 2nd- Lainey Martin. K1 Coloring: 1st- Pierson Hopkins, 2nd- Reign Blaine. Thank you to the students, we had many entries submitted. Other unfinished business was the review of the Annual Report. Discussion was held. New Business: Carol Tolliver brought a letter from the VA Hospital in Sioux Falls extending their appreciation for bottled water given out at the Hospital to staff and patients for National Hospital week. We helped to furnish along with the VFW Auxiliary. Other new business was the Memorial Day program and Luncheon. Salads and bars will be donated from the Auxiliary members. The luncheon will be held at the post home after the program at the armory. A new Money Tray was purchased and donated to the Auxiliary. Thank you! Election of officers was held. These positions were filled: President - Juanita Stone, 1st Vice- Margie Stone, Secretary- Jeanette Fuchs, Treasure- Linda Youngbluth, Membership- Barb Kucera. Delegates to state convention were appointed as follows: Juanita Stone, Linda Youngbluth, Barb Kucera, and Kathy Gieman,. Alternates: Marlene Stone, Barb Wiechmann, Jeanette Fuchs, Carol Tolliver. The basket was won by Margie Stone, and donated back. No other business to come before the group, so the Chaplain Margie Stone read the prayer and President Juanita Stone adjourned the meeting at 8:50 PM.
Read moreSummer programming at the library is not only for our young people. If you are an adult and interested in learning more about how to use a computer, write a resume, use Facebook etc. the library would like to provide that assistance for you. We will take appointments for morning time slots(10:00am to 12:00 Noon) with one to one assistance. This will begin June 14th. Call the library at 487-7524 to make an appointment.
Read moreMATTHEW 13:54-58 " And when he was come into his own country, He taught them in their Synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works. Is not this the carpenter's son?,is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things? And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour save in his own country, and in his own house. And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief."(KJC)
Read morePictured is Avon American Legion Auxiliary Unit 150 President Mary Hurd with 2021 Poppy Poster Contest Winners. Courtesy Photo
Read moreThe American Legion Auxiliary Unit # 11 will be distributing poppies in Wagner on May 20 and 21. Poppy days are a reminder of the cost of our freedom. Millions of people worldwide wear the poppy in honor of living veterans and those who lost their lives. The custom can trace back to 1918 when people started to wear a poppy flower in memory of lives lost in WWII.
Read moreWagner Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting at Wagner Lakeside Motel Thursday, May 13. The motel is under new ownership and management. Members were given tour of some of the rooms and also viewed a meeting room which can be rented for graduation parties, business meetings, etc. The motel has 77 rooms with 72 of these rooms available. Photo by Barb Pechous
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